Hillary can't be trusted

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No, it is not our job to pay as little taxes as possible. That is a Drumpf mantra that will put this country much further into debt. Unless of course he chooses to cut military spending dramatically. Which we both know won't happen.

"Oh my!! Our nations debt is out of control!! Ahhh!! The sky is falling!!"
"What shall we do??? Zomg!!"
"Uhh, let's cut taxes!!"
"Great idea!!"


Pay more tax and put your money where your mouth is then. Would you like a link to the donation site for the US Treasury?
It was going to happen either way with Hillary or Trump in office but i am sure you will be the first to point the finger at Trump..
But with Hillary it would of turned out like this

Were going to add another Stimulus package to boost our aready fake economy and make myself look good
Never mind about our national Debt us Democrats have pushed that aside for last 8 years.
It can be pushed yet aside for my Term also

We need to focus on proxy wars false flag wars and start causing global disintegration we were never going to pay that back how stupid does that sound before we pay that we will cause world war 3

Your rambling isn't making any sense whatsoever. You'll need to try again.
Hey see4, I can tell we are still on different planets and thats cool. You will be free to run your business anyway you want and I will run mine, so good luck. GOD BLESS POTUS TRUMP! FUCKING A.

That is the true beauty of USA, we can have our differences, but our fundamental rights as white males are still intact. And that's a good thing.
Pay more tax and put your money where your mouth is then. Would you like a link to the donation site for the US Treasury?

Huh? You are loosely coupling disparate thoughts.

I pay taxes, I pay what I owe. And in the past 18 years, I've paid taxes every year. Unlike our POTUS who hasn't paid any taxes in 18+ years.

I'm sorry your tiny penis is making your frustrated, that's not my fault.
You suck, Nitro. But consistently so.

Welcome back.

I came back for a little while, until I get my belly full. If there is a little bit more civility and mutual respect around here I might hang around for maybe a month. As you know I pledged many months ago I would leave this site after 30 days if TRUMP won the election, so the clock is ticking. Anyway this year and a half has been pretty intense for sure and I really didn't come back here to make things hurt anymore than they do right now. I know the feeling.

I predict that things will get better for everybody and not just certain groups of people, so lets give it a little time and then see what all the goodies are that President Trump has for us in the near future.

Last week I found out that my health care in Oregon went up 75% from last year for the same policy. It was like a no brainer to vote this time around. Hey good luck.
My god this is bizarre. She's lost it folks. Ironing brown laundry for 15 hours a day will do this. Hitlers minions had the same trouble.
I came back for a little while, until I get my belly full. If there is a little bit more civility and mutual respect around here I might hang around for maybe a month. As you know I pledged many months ago I would leave this site after 30 days if TRUMP won the election, so the clock is ticking. Anyway this year and a half has been pretty intense for sure and I really didn't come back here to make things hurt anymore than they do right now. I know the feeling.

I predict that things will get better for everybody and not just certain groups of people, so lets give it a little time and then see what all the goodies are that President Trump has for us in the near future.

Last week I found out that my health care in Oregon went up 75% from last year for the same policy. It was like a no brainer to vote this time around. Hey good luck.
So, what kind of health plan will be available to an old man under Trump? Not my worry anyway, I have always been insured outside of the ACA.
Huh? You are loosely coupling disparate thoughts.

I pay taxes, I pay what I owe. And in the past 18 years, I've paid taxes every year. Unlike our POTUS who hasn't paid any taxes in 18+ years.

I'm sorry your tiny penis is making your frustrated, that's not my fault.

Wordplay is your answer. Too funny.
What i like today is being congress is republican , senate is republican and president is republican is that
Anything Trump wants will in fact be law he is the most powerful president EVER
I don't trust HC so I voted for the nazi. Is what I read over and over this morning, just many variations of that sentiment, of that propaganda that actually lost the Democratic election.
So, what kind of health plan will be available to an old man under Trump? Not my worry anyway, I have always been insured outside of the ACA.
who knows what he will do but you can Guarantee obama care is thrown away as well as it being run by the evil insurance companies that just love to invest your money badly loss it and stiff you second time around
So, what kind of health plan will be available to an old man under Trump? Not my worry anyway, I have always been insured outside of the ACA.

Hell I don't know whats going to happen. I know whats happened the last three years of post Obamacare.

The first year was an 18% increase
the second year was a 25% increase
the third year is a 75% increase

Toltal so far is a 118% increase sense the beginning of the craziest thing you have ever seen according to Wet Willy Clinton. I repeat , He did say it was the craziest thing he has ever seen. That could of been the first time he ever told the truth. lol
I was glad to hear he was dead. This is true. I'm glad to see him back. This is also true. You are a bitter old man who enjoys discord more than anything else. So fuck off with that. Enjoy the last few years of old white man rule in this country.
Red POTUS, Red House, Red Senate, Red SCOTUS.. It won't be "just a few years" man. Sorry.
I was referring to @Illinois Enema Bandit 's life span, not the life of this deplorable government.
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