
So here's what's brought me here,
A few weeks a go a friend told me he was moving away and had a plant that he couldn't take with him and said if I wanted it, it's mine.
He brings it round it's about 18inch tall and well established (he's saying about 5 weeks into veg) so following his advice I've been watering it every other day with the nutrients he's given me and two weeks later she's about 2 foot tall and getting bushy, so my plan is transplant the pot into a bigger one give it another 2 weeks then flip it the flower. Question is I can get my hands on a big (1200watt) hps flowering light, the plant is currently under a 60 watt led and I was wondering if the light would be too big for my 18"x18"x5ft grow space?
On the flip side I also had some bag seed that looked good so I've germinated them and had a lot of success from 20 seeds 9 sprouted and I've potted 4 with good results. So now I have 1 big bushy northern lights female in veg under the led and 3 (I gave one of the small ones to my neighbor) small plants from bag seed in another cupboard which is only 3 foot tall, these have all grown well even tho there under a cumulative of 76watt of CFL light, I have started trying some LST with these as to try and keep them low in the hope to keep them in this cupboard and possibly put the led in there as well if the hps will fit in the other one.
What do you guys think?