we were all bound to lose, didn't matter who won
i'm not a conspiracy nutbar, i don't think shadowy figures in a darkened chamber decide the fate of the world in secret.
when i was younger some of my role models were politicians. i read a book about Thomas Jefferson and thought he was the greatest guy. i saw pt 109 as a kid and though jfk was a hero. then i started reading and watching the news. and learning to read between the lines.
heres my favorite quote. has been for a very long time now.
"power tends to corrupt, and absolue power corrupts absolutely. great men are almost always bad men." John Dalberg-Acton
truer words have never been uttered
the problem is, those who don't support him will get the same thing...Lol...there is nothing great about trump...period.
Dont worry , those who support that moron will get what they got coming no doubt.
the problem is, those who don't support him will get the same thing...
Nice to see that all the un-educated white male morons got what they wanted. They think this is going to make America great again? What a bunch of fools, because the only winners here are going to be the wealthy again, with their additional tax cuts and China, because if you think the deficit is bad now, just wait and see what's coming down the road, because it ain't going to be pretty.
Nice to see that all the un-educated white male morons got what they wanted.
My 100% Mexican wife and all her family voted for President Trump. Even they know open borders are a bad thing.
As I watched last night the reporters said Florida had an increase of 600,000 Latinos since 2012 and they were almost all registered democrat. I find it hard to believe they were all legal citizens. The country can't afford to keep giving out freebies.
The way I'm seeing it is Americans think they're too good to do most of the jobs the illegals are willing to do because they think a degree makes them over qualified. They're not willing to do trade work or work on farms and get their hands dirty. That needs to change. The idea that everyone should go to college and get a degree doesn't work out, there's not enough jobs in the fields that require them and they're becoming more meaningless as more people get them.Lets put something into perspective...Illegal immigrants are not coming into this country and pulling guns in people at their place of employmemt and stealing their jobs...sry it doesnt work like that..greedy business owners trying to make every penny they can choose not to hire american workers and pay them a fair wage and support the economy but hire illegal immigrants and pay them next to nothing because they have to take what is given to them in order to survive and there is nothing they can do about it..why not start throwing business owners who use illegal workers massive fines or possible jail time and you wont need borders because they will not be offered work period and have,no reason to come to America. Dont blame the ants when we are feeding them the honey....