Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
I'm in the Philly area. The amount of clinton signs compared to trump signs is hilarious. He doesn't stand a chance in that area. Hillary is pretty much throwing this city a party tonight instead of still campaigning
I had one sign in my neighborhood for Trump out of 8 for Clinton, that was before I gave all my extra Halloween candy to my neighbors kid if he brought it to me. Now there are none


Well-Known Member
I reposted a fake article. At least I didnt say I was under sniper fire!!
You posted it all dewey eyed about the poor FBI guy who was another "victim" of Clinton. After everybody else told you it was a hoax, you say it was a hoax and knew it all along. . Also you said we shouldn't trust the media.

There is no way you come out looking other than an idiot. First off, nobody else was caught by the hoax. We DIDN'T trust the media and quickly saw the hoax for what it is. Second, the most believable story is that you were caught by the hoax and later lied to claim you knew it all along. In the first event, we showed you that we check stories, aren't blindly trusting the media and your joke was shot down before it even got off the ground. In the second event, you are simply a fool, which is true.


Well-Known Member
It’s not “news” that Hillary’s rally turnouts have been dismal, at best.
Hillary in , Ohio Today -- Less Than 100 Attend lol Be worried retards really worried you ever wonder why she does not post many pictures or camera views of the seats ??
View attachment 3825530

Because know one is there ..
but seeing all these photo chops you democrats are good at go figure View attachment 3825538
you are literally, retarded.
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