Lol fake news coverage my arse...

How can you compare that to the Clinton's posting fake rape interviews on Facebook?

How do you think real rape victims feel?

I can see why america is going to crap when awful people like you support the evil people committing these atrocities.

You really should be ashamed...

You do realise when hillary is indicted she will give all her criminal conspiritors up and you be in just as much trouble as her?

Your fucked either way sunshine ;)

It will be exposed soon enough...

They are financed by the Clinton's I'm afraid its quite obvious...

My "comrades" will find evidence in her emails soon enough...

If the whole world thinks your hacking america then you might as well do so ;)

The exact definition of Hilary Clinton...

View attachment 3823792

You find fake rape victims laughable?

I do too!

Still doesn't change the fact that your a awful human being...

"Please don't spam our forum."

Reported as sock SPAM.
Lol more profuse guilty bad language from a despicible awful excuse for a human being...

The evidence is on cold hard paper and you cant deny it...

Pathetic cockroach...

wrong on all accounts, like usual.

hey, that kind of works as a double entendre since this is not your first account!

pathetic russian virgin.

wrong on all accounts, like usual.

hey, that kind of works as a double entendre since this is not your first account!

pathetic russian virgin.


Dont worry you will be getting a lot of cock where your going after the hilary indictment ;)

You and your cockroach hillary conspiritors will see reality ;)

By your own government or a Russian nuclear ICBM trust me you will get yours. ;)

Imagine you were raped yourself how the fuck would you feel if there were thousands of scumbags out there falsly accusing innocent people of the exact thing that is destroying your life?

One way or another you will get whats coming to you.

Total utter unreproductive selfish scum...
Dont worry you be getting a lot of cock where your going after the hilary indictment ;)

You and your cockroach hillary conspiritors will see reality ;)

By your own government or a Russian nuclear ICBM trust me you will get yours. ;)

Imagine you were raped yourself how the fuck would you feel if there were thousands of scumbags out there falsly accusing innocent people of the exact thing that is destroying your life?

One way or another you will get whats coming to you.

Total utter unreproductive selfish scum...

Calm down comrade,go guzzle a bottle of vodka.
Dont worry you will be getting a lot of cock where your going after the hilary indictment ;)

You and your cockroach hillary conspiritors will see reality ;)

By your own government or a Russian nuclear ICBM trust me you will get yours. ;)

Imagine you were raped yourself how the fuck would you feel if there were thousands of scumbags out there falsly accusing innocent people of the exact thing that is destroying your life?

One way or another you will get whats coming to you.

Total utter unreproductive selfish scum...

Lol more profuse guilty bad language from a despicible awful excuse for a human being...

The evidence is on cold hard paper and you cant deny it...

Pathetic cockroach...
funny they keep finding these democrats from back in the 1990's claiming Trump raped them lol
I just heard rumors that the kids the Clinton's had sex with are coming out of the wood work this is going to be good

Who would ever thought that this will be the nail in the democratic Coffin .
yes Headlines will say the Final nail For Hillary more charges to come