House spiders

@Superfen unfornutily I have to agree they're probably mites.

Although on the upside, I grow in a tool shed out the back (nothing fancy, typical Argos shed) & I've seen spiders but no spider mites & never had a problem to be honest.

There are those little sounders you can buy (same type of things for mice) plug them in & within a few hours Spider-Man will move on.
Think they're around £12 on eBay.

Two fingers, two toes & two balls crossed for your ladies though. :blsmoke:
those don't work for spider mites.
I totally wish they did though..
i don't know, those are pretty large for spider mites.
how about some pics of the rest of the plant? spider mite damage is pretty obvious, if he has that much webbing on his plant and no spider mite damage, i'd be inclined to think baby spiders too
easiest way to be sure is to see if the plants have damage.
if they have the typical "pinprick" damages that mites do, then it's mites.
they do look BIG to be spider mites though, but the pics are a lil crappy
easiest way to be sure is to see if the plants have damage.
if they have the typical "pinprick" damages that mites do, then it's mites.
they do look BIG to be spider mites though, but the pics are a lil crappy

Yo bro. I wish there was some light spectrum or something that could be added to kill f***king spider mites.

Did you ever try Forbid or Floramite? One of my cronies who may actually be a "master grower" works to avoid any bugs but he said both are really good.
easiest way to be sure is to see if the plants have damage.
if they have the typical "pinprick" damages that mites do, then it's mites.
they do look BIG to be spider mites though, but the pics are a lil crappy
Want me to post a pic of a leaf with spider mite damage? I've got a few fresh ones. Sprayed neem oil today. Rosemaric acid is a great mild organic systemic, but it is not foolproof. I've got mites for sure, but the only place they are prevalent is right under the CFLs.
(Yes, CFLs. I don't want them to grow because I don't have room after the repot. Waiting for tent space... )
This is textbook spider mite damage.
If you look close, those white specks are the giveaway. Mites like heat. Overall, this plant is very healthy w/high brix. But there are a few leaves that look speckled -- and they are right under the lights.
When you are looking for mites, bright light and magnification are your friends. A good flashlight is essential because most of the bug action is on the bottom of the leaves. When you see it on top, the leaf may survive but it will never recover. (The white specks are permanent.)
This is textbook spider mite damage.
View attachment 3822841
If you look close, those white specks are the giveaway. Mites like heat. Overall, this plant is very healthy w/high brix. But there are a few leaves that look speckled -- and they are right under the lights.
When you are looking for mites, bright light and magnification are your friends. A good flashlight is essential because most of the bug action is on the bottom of the leaves. When you see it on top, the leaf may survive but it will never recover. (The white specks are permanent.)
Makes my plant look very sad IMG_7781.JPGIMG_7783.JPGIMG_7785.JPGIMG_7778.JPG
Want me to post a pic of a leaf with spider mite damage? I've got a few fresh ones. Sprayed neem oil today. Rosemaric acid is a great mild organic systemic, but it is not foolproof. I've got mites for sure, but the only place they are prevalent is right under the CFLs.
(Yes, CFLs. I don't want them to grow because I don't have room after the repot. Waiting for tent space... )
My plant was under 600 hps its only one with a web buut I am checking my other girls now every day I got I got 10 in me tent grrr this is gonna be a mission now
easiest way to be sure is to see if the plants have damage.
if they have the typical "pinprick" damages that mites do, then it's mites.
they do look BIG to be spider mites though, but the pics are a lil crappy
I need a tripod thing as my hands get shaky (old age) an the more I try stop an stay still the more they bloody shake lol sorry I get someone else to take some better pics when I see someone
Anytime i notice spiders in my grow or any good predator then its time to check what the fuck they are preying on..
lol I would like to know as well I suppose it don't help having windows open day an nite as I have a damp problem on me walls so need to leave windows slightly open I cleared all spiders out front room over 20 in all that's with out rest of house I was a animal lover but now I like gardening some of these creatures have to go for now
are you in coco or soil? and what have you been feeding them? that looks like chronic overfeeding, and your pot is probably full of old salts. leach that pot, slowly pour 3 or 4 gallons of plain ph'ed water through it, then start feeding at 1/4 strength for a while.
and mites
IMG_7791.PNG IMG_7792.PNG IMG_7793.PNG I need a dehumidifier that's what I need now I am sitting thinking I am not really very well equipped for just about everything I do lol an if I keep needing things I gonna need a bank loan soon lol here is what's on way for me spiders might work might not only way is to try
lol I would like to know as well I suppose it don't help having windows open day an nite as I have a damp problem on me walls so need to leave windows slightly open I cleared all spiders out front room over 20 in all that's with out rest of house I was a animal lover but now I like gardening some of these creatures have to go for now
Ugh.... Yeah thats the bullshit indoor growers deal with, we keep building and fine tuning untill shit gets dialed in.

I once had my old grow cab infested with daddy long leg spiders, stuck on my colas and everything and i freaked the hell out and killed the spiders, A week later i noticed mite damage and i felt pretty stupid lol. That was the second time i was told the clones were bug free from a different dude and well shit, lesson learned.
and if you can, get the concentrate "captain jack's dead bug brew" with spinosad, cheapest way to get it i've found yet, in the us its like 25 dollars for a bottle that makes many many gallons