Club 600

My mom came for a visit to Nam when my first girl was born 7 yrs ago, and before she came I ordered a shitload of glass (pipes and a bong) for her to carry in her suitcase. She was shitting bricks LMAO. They don't question shit at the airport here. The bong lasted the longest, but all the pipes (maybe 6-8 of them) were broken to fuck within a few months. I never realized how many times I dropped shit on the carpeted floors over there. No carpet here.....the bong made it a couple years before I finally tipped it over on the patio
@Dr.Amber Trichome sorry to hear about the old glass.
Looks like you got a nice new piece though, and those strain names lol.

@Vnsmkr I epoxy plexi discs on bottoms so they cant tip over.I have 12" hard tiles in the WHOLE place.
My daughter just broke "another" glass just an hour ago.
She is as clumsy as me unfortunately.
Yeah its ceramic, cement, and/or granite marble floors over here. Theres no such thing as carpet or padded floors. Good idea with the disc, though I pretty much went off glass, I'll stick to the vapes and rolling joints once in a while. Easier to not have glass to break
Yeah its ceramic, cement, and/or granite marble floors over here. Theres no such thing as carpet or padded floors. Good idea with the disc, though I pretty much went off glass, I'll stick to the vapes and rolling joints once in a while. Easier to not have glass to break

After 38 years I think I've lost all ability to do combustibles. I cough too much these days and it's getting tiring. Every time I take a hit there's a pit in my lungs fills with phlegm and I have to get through the fit to enjoy the buzz, which isn't much of a buzz anymore by then. I'm not sure vaping is the solution for me though. I've tried it a couple of times, including a Volcano when I was in Amsterdam, and I still coughed so I don't know what gives. How's vaping working for you Vnsmkr?

Maybe I just need to give it a rest and give my lungs a chance to heal, but I'm too fucking chronic to do it. lol
Duchie I'm like that at the minute, been full of cold amd bad throat.... Still no wake in bake this morning been up since 6am, that's how I no I'm not feeling 100%..... When I do get round to havin a bong its small and still does my chest in

Yup. I've tried everything. Ice, itty bitty puffs, don't matter. I did have a nasty flu come through the house a couple of months ago. I had it for a bit over a week, got better and it came around again for a second go at me. Mostly in the chest so smoking then was a really rough go, I feel your pain bud. Maybe it's residual from that. I miss my bong rips. :(
You just need one you can do some lower temp vapes duchieman. Higher temps will cause a coughing fit sometimes, but lower temps never do, and this way you get the full flavor. Nothing like it imo. Dont get me wrong I love to toke, but it tastes like shit

Could be that so I'm definitely going to try it. My daughters boyfriend is into that flavored vaping, nicotine stuff and he's right into making his own so he's been doing the research to suspend cannabis for liquid vaping. Looking forward to it as soon as the crops start rolling in again.
Could be that so I'm definitely going to try it. My daughters boyfriend is into that flavored vaping, nicotine stuff and he's right into making his own so he's been doing the research to suspend cannabis for liquid vaping. Looking forward to it as soon as the crops start rolling in again.
yeah leave that nicotine shit out of it though, good clean cannabis, or a byproduct of it (hash,oil, etc etc)
New glass , the trusty glass graffiti bong slipped fell and broke all owner the stove after having it for 8 years.
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i lost a sweet steamroller when I stood up one day, yup it was right in my lap, i was stoned as hell and watched in slow motion as it flew down and smashed into a bunch of pieces. The wife bought me one we had it custom blown but the bowl was like sunk into the tube, so it only holds one hit. The guy was sort of new to glass I think, it's in the collection, but when Doc starts blowing again i am going to see if he will make me a more traditional steam roller with a bowl on the top LOL. I feel your pain though, I loved that pipe had it for years of good times, had the right size bowl for like 4 people easy.