UncleBucks Bet

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UncleBuck, I see you've bandied about a $5K bet that HRC will win the election. Here's my gentlemen's bet to you. If Trump wins next Tuesday you leave this site. If HRC wins I'll leave.
Gentlemen's bet? Buckold?
He's been asking for people to bet their membership since July.

Ask him for verifiable funds and it becomes a bit more, "Um...ahhhh....well....you know I'm a little short this week."
Go for the funds.
UncleBuck, I see you've bandied about a $5K bet that HRC will win the election. Here's my gentlemen's bet to you. If Trump wins next Tuesday you leave this site. If HRC wins I'll leave.
trump supporters are pussies.
Yeah...the email investigation is reopened.
Huma loses her immunity deal from the last time the investigation was open because she lied about turning in all her devices.
Podesta emails prove the collusion between the DNC/HRC/MSM/GOOGLE and pretty much implicate all of Hellery's immediate staff.

So Dumph supporters are pussies because they aren't clinging to a party candidate so corrupt that they're under indictment?

It seems no one here has figured out that the 2 party system is just 2 sides of the same dirty coin

both sides need to wake the fuck up, work together to get rid of the power behind politics

I have been through 10+ presidential elections. what I KNOW is: both sides have put soldiers and citizens in harm's way, supporting their real constituents- big bank (too big to fail), big pharma, big agriculture, and the military industrial complex

Why do you think even the repubs are scared shitless of DT? He will expose their collusion in the ultimate con job

Does anyone remember this famous 1992 quote by George Herbert Walker Bush to Sarah McLendon, a Texas journalist who Bush had known for years and who was the grand dame of the White House press corps at the time. McLendon had asked Bush: 'What will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran contra?'"

"if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts,"

Here's but one example of who wields the weight over presidents and first ladies

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