Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
hitler was a far right wing NATIONAL socialist. he scapegoated the jews (muslims) and communists (mexicans).

i promise you that if you look through his speeches, he accused his political opponents of "meeting in secret with international bankers to plot the destruction of german sovereignty" as well. trump kinda stole that line straight from hitler.
I will pull you direct quotes from Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Accordingly I had no feelings of antipathy towards the actual policy of the Social Democrats. That its avowed purpose was to raise the level of the working classes-- which in my ignorance I then foolishly believed--was a further reason why I should speak in favour of Social Democracy rather than against it.

For there was a striking discrepancy between the two. In the literary effusions which dealt with the theory of Social Democracy there was a display of high-sounding phraseology about liberty and human dignity and beauty, all promulgated with an air of profound wisdom and serene prophetic assurance; a meticulously-woven glitter of words to dazzle and mislead the reader. On the other hand, the daily Press inculcated this new doctrine of human redemption in the most brutal fashion. No means were too base, provided they could be exploited in the campaign of slander. These journalists were real virtuosos in the art of twisting facts and presenting them in a deceptive form. The theoretical literature was intended for the simpletons of the soi-disant intellectuals belonging to the middle and, naturally, the upper classes. The newspaper propaganda was intended for the masses.

The Social Democrats know how to create the impression that they alone are the protectors of peace.

Although socialism was traditionally an internationalist creed, the radical wing of National Socialism knew that a mass base existed for policies that were simultaneously anti-capitalist and nationalist.

Nationalism and Socialism combined to exert government control over every aspect of people's lives.


Well-Known Member
I will pull you direct quotes from Hitler's Mein Kampf.

Accordingly I had no feelings of antipathy towards the actual policy of the Social Democrats. That its avowed purpose was to raise the level of the working classes-- which in my ignorance I then foolishly believed--was a further reason why I should speak in favour of Social Democracy rather than against it.

For there was a striking discrepancy between the two. In the literary effusions which dealt with the theory of Social Democracy there was a display of high-sounding phraseology about liberty and human dignity and beauty, all promulgated with an air of profound wisdom and serene prophetic assurance; a meticulously-woven glitter of words to dazzle and mislead the reader. On the other hand, the daily Press inculcated this new doctrine of human redemption in the most brutal fashion. No means were too base, provided they could be exploited in the campaign of slander. These journalists were real virtuosos in the art of twisting facts and presenting them in a deceptive form. The theoretical literature was intended for the simpletons of the soi-disant intellectuals belonging to the middle and, naturally, the upper classes. The newspaper propaganda was intended for the masses.

The Social Democrats know how to create the impression that they alone are the protectors of peace.

Although socialism was traditionally an internationalist creed, the radical wing of National Socialism knew that a mass base existed for policies that were simultaneously anti-capitalist and nationalist.

Nationalism and Socialism combined to exert government control over every aspect of people's lives.
are you quoting hitler to back up your claims about hitler?

not very smart.hitler lost his mind, literally. because he listened to hitler.



Well-Known Member
Pie quoting Mein Kampf. this thread has just jumped the shark.

just because hitler started the "national socialist german workers party" doesn't mean he was a socialist. he admired mussolini and his fascist ideals came mainly from him. and a really good rigatoni recipe too.


Well-Known Member
You should drop your philosophy class because you are no Socrates. You should take political science instead because you sound like a doofus when it comes to politics.
Soommmmeeeebody loves the taste of (tiny, so dreadfully tiny) Drumpf dick!

Someone flipped your rock over and the sun hit your face and made you cranky, eh?



Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton enjoys staggering 14-point lead over Donald Trump in latest poll: Thursday morning US election briefing

Hillary Clinton is on the cusp of a commanding presidential election victory over Donald Trump if the latest poll - 51-37 in the Democrat's favour - is to be believed.

The Associated Press-GfK poll gives the Democrat her largest lead yet with just 12 days until the election.

The poll showed Mrs Clinton has the support of 90 per cent of likely Democrat voters, and also has the backing of 15 per cent of more moderate Republicans. Just 79 per cent of all Republicans surveyed said they were voting for their party's nominee.



Well-Known Member
Soommmmeeeebody loves the taste of (tiny, so dreadfully tiny) Drumpf dick!

Someone flipped your rock over and the sun hit your face and made you cranky, eh?

View attachment 3815978
I'm in a great mood. Both candidates suck ass, Hillary can't do the job he has now and trump was thrown in to look like a moron and get hillary elected. The both work for the same beast. The most troubling thing is you guys really think your vote counts and it doesn't because you're not an elector, so all the bitching in the world won't do you any good.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a great mood. Both candidates suck ass, Hillary can't do the job he has now and trump was thrown in to look like a moron and get hillary elected. The both work for the same beast. The most troubling thing is you guys really think your vote counts and it doesn't because you're not an elector, so all the bitching in the world won't do you any good.
cool conspiracy theory, but the electors vote solely on how the people vote.

you are dumb.
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