The Vault’s Skywalker Auto Comparative Grow - in association with Mephisto Genetics


Well-Known Member
It was hard to not get going watching everyones budding plants in the thread haha
Im amazed by how quick these autos are growing. Considering yours are at 24" already I'm kind of spooked. I only have about 44" total head space :shock:
I know i was surprised on how fast these auto's grow too. I'm totally with you on the height issue. After i add in my pot height of 8" i am at 32" at the tops of the plants with my LED's @18" above the canopy.My tent is only 60" Tall and the carbon filter takes up 8" of head space in the top of my tent. Getting pretty maxed out unless i take out my carbon filter. Thinking these Skywalker Auto's can yield with their height and structure.


Well-Known Member
I know i was surprised on how fast these auto's grow too. I'm totally with you on the height issue. After i add in my pot height of 8" i am at 32" at the tops of the plants with my LED's @18" above the canopy.My tent is only 60" Tall and the carbon filter takes up 8" of head space in the top of my tent. Getting pretty maxed out unless i take out my carbon filter. Thinking these Skywalker Auto's can yield with their height and structure.
Im optimistic. I'm running 8 autos total so if I can get all 5 of the Skywalkers and the 3 Blue Auto Mazar to harvest it should be a very nice yield.


Well-Known Member
Here is a couple of pics that I took yesterday of my Skywalker. She is about 11-12 days old as of today. For some reason, she is growing like sideways; along the surface of the soil. I am told that this is because I planted her too close to the surface of the soil. I think that the light might be too intense and it is trying to escape the light, so I turned the ballast back down to 50% and raised the light from 1' to 2' above the canopy. The light is a 400 watt Xtrasun metal halide in a cool tube. Hopefully over time she will improve and grow correctly...time will tell. Any and all comments, advice and criticisms are very much appreciated. Thanks for looking.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
prop that bad, girl up, and put a cfl or t5 close to it till it thickens up, thats just looks like it tried to grow too fast to reach your light to me

i've seen a couple of people have this problem, the light is too strong, even dialed down, if you have it close enough that the plant won't stretch for it, it will burn it, if you put it far enough away not to burn it, it stretches to reach it. don't use hid to start plants, get a couple of cfls or t5s till they get established, like the 3rd or 4th set of leaves anyway.


Well-Known Member
prop that bad, girl up, and put a cfl or t5 close to it till it thickens up, thats just looks like it tried to grow too fast to reach your light to me

i've seen a couple of people have this problem, the light is too strong, even dialed down, if you have it close enough that the plant won't stretch for it, it will burn it, if you put it far enough away not to burn it, it stretches to reach it. don't use hid to start plants, get a couple of cfls or t5s till they get established, like the 3rd or 4th set of leaves anyway.
I just checked on her and she has started to straighten least to a 45 degree angle, so there is some improvement. I was going to stake her up but since she is starting to grow like she is supposed to I think I'll leave her alone and see what she does.

I was going to start her with a cfl, but ran out of money from my last check and really wanted to get this project up and running so I opted to use the MH to germ. I've been able to pull this off in the past, just a lot of stretch toward the beginning. Over time she should grow like she is supposed to and should grow like a regular plant. Thanks for chiming in and offering advice.


Well-Known Member
Seems like they needed a bit of help getting the seed shells off of 4 of the 5. The on that didnt need any help already has a set of serrated leaves coming in already. The tall goofy one is growing a good taproot, it just isnt doing it in the ground lol.
We'll see how it pans out. I have a couple more seeds on reserve jic one or two dont make it out of these 5 Skywalkers or the other 3 Blue Auto Mazars I have going as well.



Well-Known Member
Seems like they needed a bit of help getting the seed shells off of 4 of the 5. The on that didnt need any help already has a set of serrated leaves coming in already. The tall goofy one is growing a good taproot, it just isnt doing it in the ground lol.
We'll see how it pans out. I have a couple more seeds on reserve jic one or two dont make it out of these 5 Skywalkers or the other 3 Blue Auto Mazars I have going as well.

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The way these Skywalkers are putting on bud sites you should do well if all 8 of your autos go full term. I was a little down at first with their growth but man they are really looking promising as they are starting to mature. I was also looking at some sites on that Auto Mazar strain and those can get big and yield very well.


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry guys I had some problems going on I'll post up some pics and a Lil story in the morning. as yall know I had 3 pop out of the 5 (2 were cracked from shipping maybe most likely post office fault) well had all plants out of tent to make some rearrangements and I knocked 1 skywalker off of the table and broke her right in half. Pissed off was an understatement I threw the entire thing out so I now only have 2 skywalkers a BlimBurn Grizzly purple and a auto anthesisea from pyrimad. my girls are around 45 46 days old and from the looks of it I'd say these are going to go around 70+ days can't wait to see the outcome


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry guys I had some problems going on I'll post up some pics and a Lil story in the morning. as yall know I had 3 pop out of the 5 (2 were cracked from shipping maybe most likely post office fault) well had all plants out of tent to make some rearrangements and I knocked 1 skywalker off of the table and broke her right in half. Pissed off was an understatement I threw the entire thing out so I now only have 2 skywalkers a BlimBurn Grizzly purple and a auto anthesisea from pyrimad. my girls are around 45 46 days old and from the looks of it I'd say these are going to go around 70+ days can't wait to see the outcome
Bummer on the loss.


Well-Known Member
Bummer on the loss.
Yea man it sucked so much man when I went to pick it up I stumbled over a box and ended up pushing it right off the end of the table. so now I only have 2 one of them I lstd a little the other I just let grow. if I were to run this strain again (which I might ) I will just let them grow without any training I would say the untrained one is almost 3 ft tall


Well-Known Member
Yea man it sucked so much man when I went to pick it up I stumbled over a box and ended up pushing it right off the end of the table. so now I only have 2 one of them I lstd a little the other I just let grow. if I were to run this strain again (which I might ) I will just let them grow without any training I would say the untrained one is almost 3 ft tall
Throw some pics up if/when you get a chance. Have Skywalkers stopped stretching or are they still getting taller?


Well-Known Member
Throw some pics up if/when you get a chance. Have Skywalkers stopped stretching or are they still getting taller?
I got pics coming in the morning some time lights out 12 am to 6 am.. I do believe that they are done stretching I haven't noticed any vertical growth this week. the plant I lstd seemed to stunt a little I don't think it liked the training.


Well-Known Member
I think mine stopped stretching or at least slowed down here at week 5 HydroRed. I was out there tonight and they havent really stretched the past 2 days. Not 3 feet from the soil like Evergreens but they are all right at 24" from the soil line. I dont post many pics under the led because you cant see for shit what the plants are doing but what the hell heres one from tonight.


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry guys I had some problems going on I'll post up some pics and a Lil story in the morning. as yall know I had 3 pop out of the 5 (2 were cracked from shipping maybe most likely post office fault) well had all plants out of tent to make some rearrangements and I knocked 1 skywalker off of the table and broke her right in half. Pissed off was an understatement I threw the entire thing out so I now only have 2 skywalkers a BlimBurn Grizzly purple and a auto anthesisea from pyrimad. my girls are around 45 46 days old and from the looks of it I'd say these are going to go around 70+ days can't wait to see the outcome
I'm really sorry that happened to you. For reference, if this should happen again in the future (which I hope it never happens to you again for all of eternity), you might consider cloning the damaged plant. I'm told that you cannot clone autos, but stranger things have happened.