Hillary can't be trusted

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A "sentence proves Hillary herself is colluding with the super-pacs." "100%, all needed to prove a crime was committed."

Please tell me that you find this story is flimsy.

She's gonnneeeee at this point, dude. I thought I saw the tiniest spark of light in the attic, but that was extinguished months ago. Brainwashing complete. Just your run-of-the-mill small town hausfrau; poverty stricken, angry, racist, and always looking for someone/thing to lay 'blame' on. Sad, really, especially at her young age...
She's gonnneeeee at this point, dude. I thought I saw the tiniest spark of light in the attic, but that was extinguished months ago. Brainwashing complete. Just your run-of-the-mill small town hausfrau; poverty stricken, angry, racist, and always looking for someone/thing to lay 'blame' on. Sad, really, especially at her young age...
I'm just checking for some ability to recognize a flimsy story from hard facts. Even little children have that ability and so I'll keep trying.

This time for sure
She's gonnneeeee at this point, dude. I thought I saw the tiniest spark of light in the attic, but that was extinguished months ago. Brainwashing complete. Just your run-of-the-mill small town hausfrau; poverty stricken, angry, racist, and always looking for someone/thing to lay 'blame' on. Sad, really, especially at her young age...
Irony ^

I expect Hillary will continue to do nothing for the conditions for women in Qatar and Saudi. Or stop accepting funds from them even though they have admitting to funding terrorism.

More money for rebels and more money to extend wars so the oil tycoons and defense contractors get filthy rich.

I expect Hillary will continue to do nothing for the conditions for women in Qatar and Saudi. Or stop accepting funds from them even though they have admitting to funding terrorism.

More money for rebels and more money to extend wars so the oil tycoons and defense contractors get filthy rich.

so is this the closest thing to a concession speech we are going to get from you?



At least they got a few soccer fields tho right? That new police station looks hurricane proof as well.

Too bad about the squatters tho. I imagine that is driving down property value.

And who needs plumbing anyways.
If I had been in Hillary's position, I would never have accepted donations from a known terror linked government and a gross violator of human right's such as Qatar and Saudi.

The Haitians would have had plumbing for waste and water if I had been in her position. She didn't even set up a communal bathroom for these people. Or a clean source of water.



At least they got a few soccer fields tho right? That new police station looks hurricane proof as well.

Too bad about the squatters tho. I imagine that is driving down property value.

And who needs plumbing anyways.
If I had been in Hillary's position, I would never have accepted donations from a known terror linked government and a gross violator of human right's such as Qatar and Saudi.

The Haitians would have had plumbing for waste and water if I had been in her position. She didn't even set up a communal bathroom for these people. Or a clean source of water.

why are you posting this? it doesn't matter at all.

email 17720 is all that matters. it will end hillary's career and she will be forced to stand trial. maybe we can even throw that bitch right into prison!

email 17720 is all that matters.

If I had been in Hillary's position, I would never have accepted donations from a known terror linked government and a gross violator of human right's such as Qatar and Saudi.

The Haitians would have had plumbing for waste and water if I had been in her position. She didn't even set up a communal bathroom for these people. Or a clean source of water.

If Hillary was in your position, she'd be bent over the edge of the bed.
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