DEA Lawsuit (Minus the Trolls)


Well-Known Member
Trolls went crazy in the DEA Lawsuit thread, so here is all the information minus the trolls.

The Federal Court accepted my case against the DEA, so I can now tell everyone the details. This will just be a quick overview of the case (in detail) so that everyone knows exactly what all the points being made are and against who. Once the papers have actually been served on the Defendants I will post the papers in full so everyone can read it for themselves, and file it with their name on it in their State if they want.

So, first, it is a Class Action lawsuit, here is the Class
All United States Persons who practice Hinduism (or similarly barred Religion) or who are or wish to become Sadhus (Hindu Priests), or who have been barred from doing so for fear of the Controlled Substances Act, as well as any Hindu (or similar Religious Practitioner) who has been jailed or imprisoned as a result of this Act. As well as anyone who has lost the life of a family member due to this Act; and
All United States Persons who have been financially affected by the Monopoly enforced and operated by Defendants. As well as anyone who was jailed or imprisoned in the course of the enforcement of this Monopoly, family members of those killed in the process of that enforcement and anyone who has been in fear for their life or safety as a result of the enforcement of the Monopoly and overbroad enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act in general.


The most important Case Law is this, 375 F.3d 1148 (D.C. Cir. 2004), and the DOJ response to that case telling the DEA they won (got a company a license to make illicit drugs, with very little oversight and qualifications), but they need to open up the doors to more companies because they are operating illegal Monopolies, Du-opolies and Tri-opolies (which they are still doing over 10 years later). The most important part of that case is that it shows that manufacturing and distributing drugs can be within the Public Interest, even within current DEA regulations, but the DEA chooses not to open its doors and instead perpetuates Monopolies.

Second, here are the Defendants:
Chuck Rosenberg, DEA Administrator
Loretta Lynch, US Attorney General
Stepan Company
Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Third, here are the Causes of Action:

  1. Violation of the Free Exercise Clause and RLUIPA extensions to Religious Rights
    see, 546 U.S. 418 (2006)
  2. Violation of the Rights of Persons and Corporate Persons under the 14th Amendment
    see, 573 U.S. ___ (2014), 397 U.S. 664 (1970), Terrett v. Taylor (1815) via 210 U.S. 296 (1908 )
  3. Violation of International Agreements Regarding Religious Tolerance
  4. Overbroad use of the Controlled Substances Act and Gerrymandering
    see, 397 U.S. 664 (1970), 456 U.S. 228 (1982), 508 U.S. 520 (1993), 573 U.S. ___ (2014), 579 U. S. ____ (2016)
  5. Using Controlled Substances Act to Create Monopolies
    see, 156 U.S. 1 (1895), 196 U.S. 375 (1905)
  6. Violation of the 9th Amendment
    see, 118 U.S. 356 (1886), 373 U.S. 262 (1963)
  7. Violation of the 18th and 21st Amendment
    see, Medical Definition of Liquor and Liquor as defined in the now void Volstead Act
  8. DEA and Attorney General Claim there are no known Medical Benefits for Cannabis
So what the main argument is, is this:
For 3-4 decades Stepan has been allowed to have a Monopoly on the importation of Coca Leaves, they then extract the Cocaine and sell it to Mallinckdrodt who has had a Monopoly on Pharmaceutical Cocaine. Then Stepan creates a Coca extract that has no Cocaine and sells it Commercially to Coca-Cola, so this is in effect a Commercial Monopoly protected by the DEA. And there are rules the DEA made themselves that allow people to import and manufacture these drugs, but they don't let anyone follow those rules except the Monopoly. Which means we are in the same situation as we were with the Marihuana Tax Act where it was legal to possess Marijuana if it was taxed, but they would arrest you if you declared you had Marijuana.

Second part of the argument, Companies like Mallinckdrodt are allowed to make any Cannabinoid they want legally, according to exemptions provided in DEA rules for Medical and Scientific use (not Constitutionally Protected) but they fail to provide exemptions in their rules for Religious Organization (Constitutionally Protected). This is called Gerrymandering. The US Code also provides for Industrial Hemp exemptions, the DOJ has released the Cole memorandum allowing States to make their own Marijuana laws, etc, but again there are no Religious exemptions.

Third part of the Argument, the DEA claims that it must keep people from having drugs for any purpose according to the Psychotropic Treaty, but as already presented they provide plenty of other exemptions and there are already Religions that have beat their Psychotropic Treaty argument. Then on top of that there are about 5 Treaties, Conventions, etc, that provide for Religious Protection. So their 1 Treaty is pretty moot in regards to Religious substances.

Fourth part of the Argument is that Prohibition (a Constitutional Amendment) provided Religious exemption for Churches using intoxicating Liquors. Why does the Controlled Substances Act (a mere Law, not an Amendment) not provide similar exemption? Then on top of that it is proven that Intoxicating Liquor does not specifically mean Alcohol, but Congress chose to only regulate Alcohol (the Volstead Act uses the term Intoxicating Malt and Vinous Liquors, implying both that there are non-Intoxicating Malt and Vinous Liquors, as well as that Alcohol is not the only form of Liquor) so the 21st Amendment can be interpreted to legalize all Intoxicating Liquors (such as the Religious Marijuana Milk mixture known as Bhang)

The basic goal is to completely Overturn the controlled Substances Act, for its widespread Unconstitutional use and use to establish Monopolies. But no matter what the outcome on the overturning, we are fairly pointing out that the DEA is not treating Religious Organizations the same as Medical Organizations, and are in fact Gerrymandering which is resulting in Religious Violations, which will have to stop.
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Here is the Religious Marijuana Lawsuit I won (the one that all the trolls here said I wouldn't win)
The most important Parts:
Plea of Not True (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Rippel, David)
Order to Dismiss
State's Motion To Withdraw State's Petition To Enter A Final Adjudication Of Defendant's Guilt Orignial Given To Ryan King
Judge's Docket Entry
State's Motion to Withdraw State's Petition to Enter a Final Adjudication of Defendant's Guilt Granted; Signed by Judge Dan Wilson
Order Withdraw Motion to Enter Final Adjudication (OCA)Close
Order Discharging Defendant and Dismissing Proceedings
Everyone should read § 5 Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 16 (Tunney Act), once I win this case the US has to have the Media report on it by law.

So this is going to be a big deal.

One side effect of this lawsuit will be that once the Monopoly is ended on Cocaine-less Coca extract, Coca-Cola will be able to make their own extracts or buy it from various other companies that will fight for the bid.

So Coca-Cola could actually be considered the largest Class member in this lawsuit, as they have been financially damaged by this Monopoly the most. If there had been competition all this time, Coca-Cola could have gotten way better deals on its Cocaine-less Coca extract. Or just made it themselves.
Sent this to the DOJ Yesterday:

I have already Submitted a Lawsuit, but I thought I would also submit the complaint to the DOJ. Please get ahold of me at my phone number at X. The lawsuit can be found at 1:2016cv01117 in the 5th Circuit region.

The Defendants are:
Chuck Rosenberg (DEA Administrator)
Loretta Lynch (US AG)
Stepan Company
Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

Here is the Class in the Lawsuit:
All United States Persons who practice Hinduism (or similarly barred Religion) or who are or wish to become Sadhus (Hindu Priests), or who have been barred from doing so for fear of the Controlled Substances Act, as well as any Hindu (or similar Religious Practitioner) who has been jailed or imprisoned as a result of this Act. As well as anyone who has lost the life of a family member due to this Act; and
All United States Persons who have been financially affected by the Monopoly enforced and operated by Defendants. As well as anyone who was jailed or imprisoned in the course of the enforcement of this Monopoly, family members of those killed in the process of that enforcement and anyone who has been in fear for their life or safety as a result of the enforcement of the Monopoly and overbroad enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act in general.

The DEA is supporting Monopolies, an example of this is the Monopoly where Stepan Company imports Coca Leaves, extracts the Cocaine, then sells that Cocaine to Mallinckodt, but Stepan keeps the Coca Leaves to create a Coca extract with no Cocaine in it, then sells that Extract Commercially to Coca-Cola. No one else in the country gets to make this extract because the DEA won't let them import Coca Leaves or extract Cocaine.
This has been brought up in a previous case: 375 F.3d 1148 (D.C. Cir. 2004)
But the DEA has failed to correct their mistakes.

They also, during the enforcement of these Monopolies, violate Religions like mine which include Marijuana use. But they allow companies like Mallinckrodt to Manufacture and Distribute Cannabinoids. This is Gerrymandering and Religious Gerrymandering. My brother also died because the current enforcement by the DEA, though it claims to allow for Medical use of Cannabinoids that have been researched, does not allow for easy access to Hospitals. So he is dead.

MM Steel, LP v. Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. et al, No. 4:2012cv01227 - Document 504 (S.D. Tex. 2014)

2 Companies conspiring against Competitor(s)

Tunica Web Advertising v. TUNICA CASINO OPERATORS, 496 F.3d 403 (5th Cir. 2007)

Section 1 of the Sherman Act

Spectators’ Comm. Network, Inc. v. Colonial Country Club, et al., 253 F.3d 215 (5 th Cir. 2001)

  1. Engaged in Conspiracy;

  2. That restrained trade;

  3. In a particular market

NW Wholesale Stationers v. Pac. Stationery 472 U.S. 284 (1985)

“Disadvantage competitors by directly denying… relationships the competitor needs in the competitive struggle”
To purposely allow one company to produce something, whether by the companies own efforts to push others out, or by legislation, is the essence of Monopoly

(via United States v. E. C. Knight Co. 156 U.S. 1 (1895))

“In commenting upon the statute, 21 Jac. I. c. 3, at the commencement of chapter 85 of the third institute, entitled "Against Monopolists, Propounders, and Projectors," Lord Coke, in language often quoted, said:

"It appeareth by the preamble of this act (as a judgment in Parliament) that all grants of monopolies are against the ancient and fundamental laws of this kingdome. And therefore it is necessary to define what a monopoly is."

"A monopoly is an institution, or allowance by the King by his grant, commission, or otherwise to any person or persons, bodies politique, or corporate, of or for the sole buying, selling, making, working, or using of anything, whereby any person or persons, bodies politique, or corporate, are sought to be restrained of any freedome or liberty that they had before or hindred in their lawfull trade."

"For the word 'monopoly,' dicitur [Greek phrase] (i. solo,) [Greek phrase] (i. vendere) quodest cum unus solus aliquod genus mercaturae universum vendit, ut solus vendat, pretium and suum libitum statuens: hereof you may read more at large in that case. Trin. 44 Eliz. Lib. 11, f. 84, 85; le case de monopolies."

Here is a Statement from you guys at the DOJ Anti-Trust Division that supports my case:
Here is a DEA recent Policy change that supports my case (I have been affected by this for 10+ years, and my brother is dead, so them realizing they were in the wrong 2 months ago is too little too late):
This shows where the DEA allows Mallinckrodt to Manufacture Cannabinoids (Religions should get similar exemption, or it is Gerrymandering):
This shows where the DOJ made a statement about Marijuana, allowing for exemption, but forgot to add Religion:

I have already filed the lawsuit, but would appreciate if you guys would back up the Statements you have made in the past (Judicial Estoppel). Please contact me at the number provided.
Thank you
Go Team Fin! We'll be awaiting updates on this epic case.
Update coming soon. I am filing the Summons soon, so I will do updates on that.

And I filed a EPCA/FOIA with the NSA. I filed it about a month ago, but I got ahold of someone today and they said they didn't get it somehow. So I refiled it today.
Finshaggy is my new hero. He is the only person I've seen who can beat the government at there own game. Good luck with your class action suit, I know you'll kill it.

When can I see this on TV btw?

I don't know if it will be on TV. But it will be in the Newspapers in Austin, San Antonio, El Paso, Midland, etc. and it will be in Washington DC newspapers. So it could easily end up on TV. It's going to be a pretty big deal when its over, and probably while it's happening.
If anyone is wondering how the Controlled Substances Act is going to be Overturned, you just have to look at why it exists. The reason it exists is because in 1969 Timothy Leary won a Supreme Court case in which he claimed the Marihuana Tax Act was a violation of his 5th Amendment Right, as it asked him to Declare his Marijuana to get a Tax Stamp, but (as he argued) if he would have Declared his Marijuana he would be arrested. The Supreme Court recognized the contradiction which violated the 5th Amendment and the entire Marihuana Tax Act was overturned, when it was overturned there were no Marijuana laws on the books for a whole year until in 1970-71 the Controlled Substances Act was written and passed into law.

The Controlled Substances Act states that Coca leaf importers need only declare their product, its weight, etc. but the DEA doesn't allow this and only allows companies in its protected Monopolies (Stepan specifically) to import Coca leaves. The Controlled Substances Act also provides a "Public Interest" standard for Manufacturing Drugs, but the DEA does not implement this standard and again only allows its protected Monopolies to use these rules.

The most basic Definition of a Monopoly is a Market protected by The King (in this case, the DEA and AG) where anyone else who comes into the market is forcibly pushed out or arrested. So this is the very definition of a Monopoly.

Then on top of that, they do not allow a route to Religious exemption but do allow Scientific and Industrial exemptions for these Monopolies. So they are not treating everyone equally, which is a further violation.

Meaning the Controlled Substances Act must be Overturned and if Congress chooses, they can attempt to write a new law that meets Constitutional Standards. But once it is Overturned, there will no longer be Drug Laws on the Federal Level unless they write new ones.

These are the words of the DOJ Anti-Trust (Anti-Monopoly) Division to the DEA a little over a year ago, and they have failed to comply. And this is for Medical Regulation, so they are failing on all fronts:

"More importantly, the Division strongly recommends that the DEA avail itself of this opportunity to clarify yet again its commitment to competition by lowering the regulatory barriers to entry...By clearly articulating the appropriate standard to be used in these proceedings, and by placing the burden of proof where it properly belongs, the DEA will be able to discourage the continuing use of its procedures by those who seek to hinder the development of competition."

And they were even about to try to Regulate Kratom this past month, so since this statement they haven't gotten better, or even remained stagnant, they have gotten worse.

This also does not include the fact that Stepan imports Coca Leaves, removes the Cocaine, then makes an extract of Coca Leaves with no Cocaine that it then sells to Coca-Cola. So the DEA is messing up on the Medical Front, the Religious Front, and the Commercial Front. And the DOJ is forced to be on our side, because of Judicial Estoppel Rules.
@pabloesqobar I am simply to wasted to parse this shit. You want to or shall we discuss something else?

Lol. Pablo thinks that when the City filed their Scheduling Order for the Lawsuit (which I told them to file) that they achieved some great victory over me. So it's funny that you think Pablo would be able to "parse" anything.

And he is one of the people who said I would never win my Religious Marijuana case. So he's 0 for 2 in regards to my cases. He is going to have to wait and see just like the rest of you.
And btw, the Lawsuit that you are following already (you may be following both now, but the one you were following before) is a response to a Narcotics Investigation that they were forced to drop for lack of Evidence (because I didn't do anything), even after taking a bunch of stuff they thought were drugs to a Forensics Lab.

So I am just asking for damages in regards to all that. It's not like I am randomly suing for no reason. They already lost, by having to drop the investigation, now I am just asking for compensation for what they did. I don't see why you think that have any route to winning this case other than you just don't like me and would like to see them win.