THC immune suppression

i am not an expert. but i have smoked some really really trashy mj. Now I only do rosin dabs which i think is one of the best ways to ingest THC.
What about all the people eating medical edibles with THC?
i would go to the doctor if my tooth abscess was that bad. they are very painful and relatively common. I can tell you I wouldn't have the urge to dab if i had a tooth abscess.
The good news is that you could put your decarboxylated Rosin into gel caps to eat.
It's good to read about the benefits of Rosemary.
It's not just smoked cannabis that suppresses the immune system. Doesn't matter what method of administration. They injected the mice. Just that you also get more lung infections from smoking. I involves the nitrates as I recall.

About my tooth, I don't have a few grand laying around for the root canal and crown. Guess if I die I die.
We are still wading through all of the bullshit like this, and yes, in terms of where science has brought our understanding of cannabis, 2010 is ancient.
Yeah I'm sure scientists just put out BS articles. You're just mad because you like to get high and don't want to hear about it possibly resulting in serious health problems. So you call anything that goes against that BS.

Tell me this, smarty pants. Why is Cannabis effective for diseases where the immune system is attacking the body?
Yeah I'm sure scientists just put out BS articles. You're just mad because you like to get high and don't want to hear about it possibly resulting in serious health problems.
Actually quite the opposite. I use mainly for medical reasons. If I didn't I would have seizures daily. Now, 2 or 3 a year, mild ones too. Not to mention I have tinnitus, pot helps that too. Didn't expect you to think beyond your narrow views, but you're wrong.
I'm mad because you are repeating false narrative. It's not hard to find the studies themselves, not just an article about it that is barely a page long. I've been researching the med effects of cannabis for years, and now more and more myths are being busted. Your abscess tooth wasn't exacerbated by cannabis. Infections need treatment. And cannabis has been found to help. Google that.
And when you search, use the words "scholarly article" with the subject. Come to your own conclusions after you have amassed enough info to speak knowledgeably on the subject.
Actually quite the opposite. I use mainly for medical reasons. If I didn't I would have seizures daily. Now, 2 or 3 a year, mild ones too. Not to mention I have tinnitus, pot helps that too. Didn't expect you to think beyond your narrow views, but you're wrong.
I'm mad because you are repeating false narrative. It's not hard to find the studies themselves, not just an article about it that is barely a page long. I've been researching the med effects of cannabis for years, and now more and more myths are being busted. Your abscess tooth wasn't exacerbated by cannabis. Infections need treatment. And cannabis has been found to help. Google that.
And when you search, use the words "scholarly article" with the subject. Come to your own conclusions after you have amassed enough info to speak knowledgeably on the subject.
Glad it helped with the seizures. I posted an article, you disagree with it, end of exchange really. Thanks for dropping by.
Glad it helped with the seizures. I posted an article, you disagree with it, end of exchange really. Thanks for dropping by.
No, not really.
Stop posting misinformation. You posted an article, not the study. We know nothing of the measures they went to, really.
You can just stop.
You are absolutely incorrect, and need to just stop trying to be a google scientist. Perhaps you should brush your teeth? Or stop smoking meth, it rots your mouth. And makes you say stupid shit.
To suggest that cannabis is harmful, on a forum full of people who KNOW it is not, is about as stupid as it gets.
Your search phrase brought you to false information. Try "cannabis and the immune system", or, "cannabis and antibodies". You may learn something.
Don't come here with your bullshit.
I agree with the healing powers of all forms of cannabis but to say cannabis is without any risk or harm is silly.
What risk are you talking about?
Psychotic breaks in those predisposed to psychotic disorders?
Those allergic to it getting hurt?
Smoking it, though better than tobacco, is not without risk.

Studies also show the cannabis can have negative affects on the developing brain.

Cannabis is not without harm.
Smoking it, though better than tobacco, is not without risk.

Studies also show the cannabis can have negative affects on the developing brain.

Cannabis is not without harm.
Lol, that may be debatable, about the development.
And what about 60 year old tobacco smokers with better lungs than you, all because of smoking bud? Fluke?
No. We must shake away all of the lies, and accept that it is good, and no one dies from it. Unlike water. And chocolate. And aspirin.
I reiterate; Tell me this, smarty pants. Why is Cannabis effective for diseases where the immune system is attacking the body?
Where is the immune system attacking the body. ?? You're extrapolating. You're reading something and incorrectly extrapolating what that would lead to. This is your error. You are connecting and projecting shit.

Attaching the body? Never said that. YOU said that. Incorrectly.
Where is the immune system attacking the body. ?? You're extrapolating. You're reading something and incorrectly extrapolating what that would lead to. This is your error. You are connecting and projecting shit.

Attaching the body? Never said that. YOU said that. Incorrectly.
You couldn't figure out what I meant? Maybe you can understand it if there's more words;

"Marijuana cannabinoids present us with a double edged sword," Nagarkatti said, because they can cause increased susceptibility to cancer and infections, but they can also open the door to opportunities to treat disorders where a suppressed immune system is beneficial, such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus and hepatitis."

So is it effective for those conditions or does it NOT suppress the immune system, as you and Garden Gnome insist? Can't actually be both.
Nagarkatti is making a leap by assuming causality. This is a highly unique connection he's making in the larger scope of this research.

You understand he's pulling that connection out of his ass. Look at my first post. That drug (Rapamycin) is about to start human trials. It also tempers the immune response and also kicks cancer cells ass, same as cannabis

So you've got your underwear in a bunch over one dudes incorrect connection. He had no business making such a connection, again especially in light of the vast majority of the rest of the freely available research