Please recycle your used CFL bulbs

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Well-Known Member
You gotta be specific Then. How do u go through life with out being specific chronic?. You only said the first letter, i was just trying to make your sorry ass happy.
I don't like it. A well typed sentence start's with a word that is capitalized.
You obviously missed this post. Let me say it again for those with down syndrome. A WELL TYPED SENTENCE STARTS WITH A FUCKING CAPITALIZED WORD.


New Member
" - And you again are an ignorant, stereotyping fool.


Here is the most recent name calling example, you ignorant stereotyping fool, aren't you the one that called me a hick? Fucking duh, can't you remember your own lame words?

I believe I said if you come to small town America and try to rob someone you'll get roughed up. You claimed you can shoplift all you want, no big deal.

I didn't say shoplift, I said ROB. Another prespective English major here I see.

Also, I'm really glad you are so proud of your shoplifting skills, all citizens of America should be as great as you.

Here's a little snack for you to share with the other kids at school tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
oh now you starting with down syndrome?. you a fucked up person. there's probably people on here that know people that got down syndrome u PIECE OF SHIT. and the only reason you correcting my spelling and shit, is cuz you aint got shit to say to me. SO FUCK OFF, and go kiss that so call "hicks" ass, cuz thats what ur best at, sayin shes your hero and shit haha. fucking pathetic


Well-Known Member
" - And you again are an ignorant, stereotyping fool.


Here is the most recent name calling example, you ignorant stereotyping fool, aren't you the one that called me a hick? Fucking duh, can't you remember your own lame words?

I believe I said if you come to small town America and try to rob someone you'll get roughed up. You claimed you can shoplift all you want, no big deal.

I didn't say shoplift, I said ROB. Another prespective English major here I see.

Also, I'm really glad you are so proud of your shoplifting skills, all citizens of America should be as great as you.

Here's a little snack for you to share with the other kids at school tomorrow.

You are so lost in your own mistakes that the entire thing is a cluster fuck now.

By letting you know that you are a "stereotyping fool" is not name calling. I was merely describing what you are being by what you are saying.

Just like if someone is running from someone else they are a "chicken". That is not name calling. It is simply describing what they are being.

I don't have any shoplifting skills. I don't need to shoplift because I have a decent paying job. I never said I had shoplifting skills. You are a typical female - attemping to twist what is said as much as you can that no one can see what's going on. The problem is, everyone other than Dr. Chronic sees it plain.

Nice gigantic image... FAIL.

Oh and with the school comment - another arrogant potshot.

Where's your husband at? Shouldn't you be doing something right now. I'm sure he's getting hungry.

I for one am at work... Being paid hourly to punk you.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I will be fair here and not say you are attempting to twist the conversation.

Instead I will honestly say... The problem with your posts are you are not throughly reading mine before you begin to respond. Thus creating a pile of rubble that makes no sense.

I have 5 minutes left.. Better make them good.


Well-Known Member
oh now you starting with down syndrome?. you a fucked up person. there's probably people on here that know people that got down syndrome u PIECE OF SHIT. and the only reason you correcting my spelling and shit, is cuz you aint got shit to say to me. SO FUCK OFF, and go kiss that so call "hicks" ass, cuz thats what ur best at, sayin shes your hero and shit haha. fucking pathetic
Your right i do have nothing to say to you cause im too busy focusing on how fucking stupid and ignorant you really are. Your's posts are oversaturated with complete and utter obnoxiousness, so Before you post something stupid like "i type well" learn how to type first you fucking dolt. I can tell your dumbass rode the short bus to school because your intelligence ranks somewhere between a simian and hog shit.


Well-Known Member
stop the bitching this aint the local playground. everyone has opinions, enough is enough. grow up act like adults and enough with the petty tittle tattle !!!

so anyone know where one can trash CFL's in uk

haha same thing i said, just a little more to the point. Seriously you guys, this is the stupidest thread I've seen on rollitup, with equal responsibility from both sides of the argument. All of you guys sound like 14 year olds.


New Member
By letting you know that you are a "stereotyping fool" is not name calling. I was merely describing what you are being by what you are saying.


No, don't mail me the bulbs.. Instead, tell me what town you live in so I can fly out there and shoplift from your local market and watch all your tough-guy neighbors "pound me".
quote] <------ you saying that you would fly all the way here to shoplift.

Stereotyping is an adjective, fool is a noun. = Name calling.

I guess you need to get some extra credit homework from your english teacher.


Well-Known Member
Your right i do have nothing to say to you cause im too busy focusing on how fucking stupid and ignorant you really are. Your's posts are oversaturated with complete and utter obnoxiousness, so Before you post something stupid like "i type well" learn how to type first you fucking dolt. I can tell your dumbass rode the short bus to school because your intelligence ranks somewhere between a simian and hog shit.
lmao. yea yea. keep talking. i dont give a fuck what you say. u aint shit to me. ur just mad cuz i told u, u kiss ass. i understand, u got nothin to say to me, no u aint got anythin to GOOD to say. cant even come up with a good comeback, just rag on my typing..acting like a fucking english major..haha. like icurbyou said, this aint grammer class bitch so fuck off. im done with you.


Well-Known Member
Your right i do have nothing to say to you cause im too busy focusing on how fucking stupid and ignorant you really are. Your's posts are oversaturated with complete and utter obnoxiousness, so Before you post something stupid like "i type well" learn how to type first you fucking dolt. I can tell your dumbass rode the short bus to school because your intelligence ranks somewhere between a simian and hog shit.
lol bro.. I see so many errors in your grammar. Just for fun:

Your = You're
i = I
cause = because or 'cause
im = I'm
Your's = Your
Before = before
like " = like, "

I'll stop there to spare you from looking too hypocritical. :-P

Edit: Honestly, you were also hypocritical, as pointed out earlier, when you told "howhigh123" that he was kissing ass and that was either directly before or after you told MissMoffitt she was your hero. Which is the ultimate in ass-kissing.

Are you a hypocrite, homie?


Well-Known Member
lol bro.. I see so many errors in your grammar. Just for fun:

Your = You're
i = I
cause = because or 'cause
im = I'm
Your's = Your
Before = before
like " = like, "

I'll stop there to spare you from looking too hypocritical. :-P

That's why you don't see me making stupid ass comment's like " I type well"


Well-Known Member
lol bro.. I see so many errors in your grammar. Just for fun:

Your = You're
i = I
cause = because or 'cause
im = I'm
Your's = Your
Before = before
like " = like, "

I'll stop there to spare you from looking too hypocritical. :-P
bro he is a fucking hypocrit..i know im not typing well..and i dont care..cuz itz not like its a essay. its a room filled with people that like to smoke pot


Well-Known Member
There was a useful post in here somewhere at the start with some real information and not bickering...If there's really that much hatred and animosity between all of you guys.. why not keep it to PM's so at least the rest of us don't have to see a thread pop up over and over with nothing relevant to either MARIJUANA GROWING OR CFL LIGHTS in it ?!?!?

Just a thought.. and my 2 cents.. I won't post again in this thread as I've said my piece..

Think before you post...

**EDIT** OH and I will NOT and I repeat WILL NOT accept R.C.C members either Fighting amungst themselves OR making us (the rest of RCC) LOOK BAD... KEEP THAT IN MIND ...
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