
Well-Known Member
None. disrespectful
Why do you feel the need to grab a women pussy ? Woman comes up to greet you and you just grab her pussy ? What fucking kind of caveman are you. Do you have a daughter ? Would you like some man to just grab your mother s pussy ? GTFO

You`ve led a boring life if you don`t know which women like it and which don`t.

You just don't grab anybody, you need the talent to know which one or shit hit`s the fan.
Ever been to a nightclub ? Ever been to a strip club ? Ever seen what goes on in private gay clubs ?

If you don`t know who you can touch and who you can`t, you are not very kinky at all.

That`s a boring sex life dude. very boring. Not getting much action at all leads to depression.

For you to think that what Donald and Billy were doing is somehow not human,...Deprived comes to mind.