Open Show n' Tell 2016


Well-Known Member
Checked in the plants and they are all still there but still very uneasy so I went in ninja style No lights and face covered. Moved all of the small ones to a different location but had to leave the two big ones as they rooted through the ground through the pots. I won't be going back too this patch until two weeks time at harvest or possibly not at all. I figure if the surveyors seen the one they will be back to rip it or report it to the property owner. Probably 8-12 ounces total on the two left behind depending on how long they got to finish. I can't harvest anything until atleast Monday otherwise I would of chopped tonight, gotta love the gamble though, just hope I get some smoke got the winter.



Well-Known Member
Yeah "legal" is a term which can be defined in so many fkn ways......and yeah still not "legal". I guess code enforcement makes the money to pay those fcks


Well-Known Member
That's such bull shit @fumble hope all is well for you ,don't be shook .
I feel like like I'm out there I'm here I own the land and these plants fuck off I don't have shit to hide and if I'm doing somthing wrong you shouldn't of given me a license to do it in the first place !! I don't make the rules I just obey by them !!
Same thing as whom ever having a badge comes from the same state so fuck off !


Well-Known Member
Dude I hear that but truthfully we as the ppl the growers do ppl of our state so much that pharmacy would never be able to do. every one of my patients have a disease weather it is cancer or other problems , when I supply these ppl with the medication and hear it brought there pain from a ten to a two with a couple puffs and it didn't cost them there liver or there soul I feel great about what I'm doing with my life ,..
My grandfather last week was just diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer and has to start the bullshit they call kemo to get better witch is a lie !!! All they care about is the money but anyways . I just supplied him with his first round of meds not some stranger in a lab coat but his own grandson
I don't give a fuck what they have to say
They can't take my pride they can't take my trade.. master electrician !
All they can do is hinder my time on this earth ! I will fight them to the death what we we do and the medicin we supply is truly a blessing from the state we are liscenced from !!!
Good luck to your grandpa friend. I echo every one of your sentiments believe me. Lost my aunt and grandma to cancer. All about the money, sickening as fuck