RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Not only is he racist & a snitch but he whole heartedly supports Isis & al queda,after they enslave females from a village & behead male villagers bucky boy wishes them well on many occasions .

you won't meet a more sorry assed individual in your life if you live to be 120 & tour the world,buck is the face of what social justice warriors represent,which is hate .

Your vocal cords are sewer pipes and they've sprung leaks. You and your ilk are a cancerous plague.

Along with showing us your 'white power' tat, could you also spout a few more classic misogyny one-liners? You must have a smaaallllll dick to be that angry towards women.
Literally, Trump has been charged with fraud and rape and is scheduled to appear in court for both Trump University and Child Rape. Charges must be filed and accepted as valid cases before trial dates can be set. RICO charges are also part of the Trump University case.
"Trump has been charged"....."Charges must be filed"....Any one see an incongruity here?

12.8 - 7.7 = 5.1
thank you for stating that obama has saved us $5.1 trillion dollars.


Does this math help w/ the 110 story lego monoliths?


In other, more important strains of topic:

Even The New York Times Thinks Obamacare Is A Disaster - It's "Too Expensive And Inaccessible"

and even more relevant to the OP:

Federal Judge Denies Release Of Draft Hillary Whitewater Indictment

Gotta love teamwork at the federal level!


Does this math help w/ the 110 story lego monoliths?


In other, more important strains of topic:

Even The New York Times Thinks Obamacare Is A Disaster - It's "Too Expensive And Inaccessible"

and even more relevant to the OP:

Federal Judge Denies Release Of Draft Hillary Whitewater Indictment

Gotta love teamwork at the federal level!

i am a bisexual yoga instructor.
i have a white pride tattoo on my back too.

The pre-nup will be sufficient, especially if it involves math. We can get to your hobbies later.

Though, now I think about it, the tattoo reminds me of a character in this HBO series called Oz.

It explains so much. Thanks for the insight!
The pre-nup will be sufficient, especially if it involves math. We can get to your hobbies later.

Though, now I think about it, the tattoo reminds me of a character in this HBO series called Oz.

It explains so much. Thanks for the insight!

we do not have a pre-nup. i make more than my wife.

how's your wife, KKKynes?

Does this math help w/ the 110 story lego monoliths?

choomer said:
Wow, that puts me in my place! ...

Whose stupid again? ;)

bro you're hanging yourself motherfucker.

you might of earned a spot in my sig Mr. Baboon.
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"Trump has been charged"....."Charges must be filed"....Any one see an incongruity here?
Red, there is nothing here for you to argue with. These are facts. Facts are verifiable and don't change.

You are used to truthy want to be and sounds like facts but aren't. Those can be argued with.

These are facts. Trump has been charged and cases accepted by courts that have court dates scheduled in November. There are two states where Trump is charged with fraud, California and New York. The New York Attorney General has filed for charges under RICO statutes.

Try as hard as you like to turn this into a more comfortable truthy thing and you just end up looking more of a fool than you already appear to be.
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