quitting weed


Active Member
Yeah that's like what i'm gunna do. after i get a job that is... I really need a job so i'm just not going to smoke until then.. I just applied somewhere yesterday! (my local sweetbay grocerie store) and they don't test, but i'd still play it on the safe side... wish me luck with my app!
your not going to smoke till you get a job? enjoy being able to wake up n get a smoke the now cause when a job comes it'l be long gone! (thats just how my logic works)

good luck with your job app! :)

my best advice for job huntin - chose a day - roll a spliff, apply for 7 jobs an then get high and repeat (...i reward myself wiv joints haha :mentalcase:) x


Well-Known Member
lol! reward yourself with joints... nice.... But yeah i'm still in highschool i'm 19 though. so yeah, i usually burn a blunt on the way to school.. haven't been able to for awhile though.. so can't wait till i get this 300 dollars in a couple weeks i should be getting.... fucking dro out my ass!


Well-Known Member
This is funny, I already told myself that I was going to take a break after tonight and here is this thread, haha must be a sign.
Here it is plain and simple IMO. Let's say a bowl of sticky = 1 xanex = 1 shot of liquor. How many bowls are in a blunt? I'd say a good blunt has about 10 bowls. Don't you think you would have a problem if you were taking 10 xanex a day or shooting 10 shots a day? I'm going to take a break then come back to it only smoking at night when all my shit is done throughout the day. I'm sure it will make me feel more accomplished.

10 bowls of chronic? Yeh, I'd say you're a pretty heavy smoker if you're smoking 5 grams of dodi in a blunt. lol


Well-Known Member
Murtymaker says : I'm going to take a break then come back to it only smoking at night when all my shit is done throughout the day.

Ueah i agree too!

that's the way.. you do your work and thing's and relax at the evening/night time and weekends you can smoke when you are off (out, on freetime)
and drink beer with your friends :)

oooh just relax for passing week work and thing's

breaks are good overall, i thing if you drink too much at weekend's or at week i thing break is good :) so with anything breaks keep you up and socialy
:shock: anyway too much is too much, if you take anything too much like coffee, alcohol, weed, other drugs, or too much food, too much with everything too much is no good with anything if you take too much :-P


annette kurten

Active Member
man i was so baked last night and my friend said to me 'adam, dont you think we're a bit sad? i mean dont you remember when we were doin this 3 years ago?' so it got me thinking about quitting. but it seems like such a scary thought, this is something ive done everyday almost for 5 years and i think without smoke what would i do man ive never learned to function as a real adult without weed. its going to be such a huge shift in lifestyle im worried that i wont be able to do it. any of you been habitual smokers before? how did you break the cycle?

and i love getting stoned i really do, do you guys think if i gave up my habitual smoking i would ever be able to smoke again recreationally without falling back into this lifestyle?
i was a full on stoner for over 20 years, then the paranoia got me and i gave up. given my mental state, it wasn`t hard but without being para i`d still be smoking ridiculous amounts of green. i do smoke sometimes but i often get very paranoid even after one toke, unless it`s weed i`ve grown myself or that someone i know well has grown. i know some people who`ve managed to cut right back to the occasional recreational smoke, but i don`t think it`s easy.


Well-Known Member
i didnt even try today i started smoking at 2pm and havnt stopped since, tomorrow though i will throw all my shit out cause i feel pretty shitty with myself.

on another note, there was a thread recently about weed that sparkles when it burns and i thought it could be flint from an unsuccessful lighter strike that made the sparks, but i got some weed today that sparkles like fuck when it burns and i used a click start lighter. what could it be? the leaves on the bud were really yellow like it had nute burn or something i dunno


Well-Known Member
i didnt even try today i started smoking at 2pm and havnt stopped since, tomorrow though i will throw all my shit out cause i feel pretty shitty with myself.

on another note, there was a thread recently about weed that sparkles when it burns and i thought it could be flint from an unsuccessful lighter strike that made the sparks, but i got some weed today that sparkles like fuck when it burns and i used a click start lighter. what could it be? the leaves on the bud were really yellow like it had nute burn or something i dunno
Holy shit i got some sparklin weed too! I was guessing something was sprayed on it, and i just got it weird

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
man i was so baked last night and my friend said to me 'adam, dont you think we're a bit sad? i mean dont you remember when we were doin this 3 years ago?' so it got me thinking about quitting. but it seems like such a scary thought, this is something ive done everyday almost for 5 years and i think without smoke what would i do man ive never learned to function as a real adult without weed. its going to be such a huge shift in lifestyle im worried that i wont be able to do it. any of you been habitual smokers before? how did you break the cycle?

and i love getting stoned i really do, do you guys think if i gave up my habitual smoking i would ever be able to smoke again recreationally without falling back into this lifestyle?

Yea dude, I was just like you I would smoke every day that all i would do. Then I got in trouble to say the least. So I stopped, which sucks that first month after stopping you have cravings. But anyway i picked it up again but its for a different reason. Like before getting high would be a priority, now its just something I do sporatically.
Its hard to explain but I had a realization of myself like you did, and thought why do i want to be a "pot head". Thats no reason to no smoke just have self control and wilpower to make it a hobby not a daily consistant activity.

my 2 (c with a line through it)


Well-Known Member
so how much does everyone think is too much?
i don't think i smoke more than a 1/4 a month and 1/2 if i'm lucky
exactly how much do u guys smoke a month?


Well-Known Member
depends on who comes over for me but if no one did i'd smoke an 1/4 a month in reality i buy about 1/2 an oz a month...

I don't wanna stop tho...its all under control ..i think :)


Well-Known Member
me too i'll be fine i'm light so a joint will get me good and toasty, two will get me to "wow that was a great high" anymore will get me fucked up lol


Well-Known Member
i feel you dude..i was getting high like 3 times a day for 6 months straight..then i relized i needed to change, but it was hard because i felt like i needed to be high all the time..i cut back alot and the best part is that i can control my habits..i limited to once a day and i stopped myself from always buying a gram like everyday, because it cost so much money and i realized its not even worth it when all my friends blaze and they always hit me up to blaze for free and like i still manage to get high even when im not expecting too, but i only do it alil now and then


Well-Known Member
I'm a part time smoker so a little goes along way with me so when someone say how easy is it to quit? i don't know cause its not an addiction to me. but growing it is:)


Well-Known Member
i just moved in to a new apartment before summer so just got high all day and its what i do when i get bored. i dont want to quit but right when i get home all i want to do is cheif. i feel i need to be high all the time, plus my tolerance is way to high and im constantly weezing. so i guess starting tomorrow ima quit fasho until my trainwreck is done!


Well-Known Member
so how much does everyone think is too much?

well it depens user & person
and how it changes your life or if it's changes your socialy life or you cant do nothing but just get high i think that is too much, be cause you cant do nothing.

if you eat hamburgers and pizza and other not good healty food you see that your healt not stay up, and you are tired and only thing what helps you get joy is eat more hamburgers or pizza but you feel band ypou dont have energy to do things because that food is no good and you eat too much and here is exsample too much smoking
dacheefmiester :
i dont want to quit but right when i get home all i want to do is cheif. i feel i need to be high all the time, plus my tolerance is way to high and im constantly weezing.
there is no point to get too high tolerance and is it good feeling that you need to be high all the time?

i think that is not good for yourself and for your future.
You see those guys hanging out side of the liquer shop all day drinking, every fuckin day they drink.
someday they drink lot somday they drink little but you see that condition where they are, they are junkies, not the way if they use heroin or cocaine but hey there is many ways to be junkie. and if you eat too much some trash food you get sick then it's too much.

you have to think about these and this kind's thing's then you learn something.

some guys cant be without coffee ( there is cofeaine ) or some guys cant be without smoking tobacco, or other thing, some dudes cant be without fast food and so on...

so think what is good for you and how much and think is this to mee too much and search your feelings and happiness are you good shape, can you go up in your life or just to be same spot like stone, or tree?

if you want go forward in your life but you cant because you smoke everyday or drink too much, then you might thinkin to start to think hey what i do wrong and how i have to do it if i want to keep my life going forward.


Enjoy everyday, but everyday you have to push a little and take hard times before you can enjoy truely and comfortly.