The first Presidential debate

she didn't even hit with her hardest hits.

next debate is gonna hurt worse.

she didn't bring up his overseas manufacturing, failure to negotiate with mexico over the wall, the fact that his taxes are not even under audit, the fact that he won't release previous years not under audit...

it's gonna get uglier. for trump.

Many things she didn't bring up, aye. Everyone here said the same. (Losers and hangers-on loafing in my house to "watch the debate"/drink my booze, smoke my grass, eat my food.)

She nearly fumbled a few times, but she kept her shit together and singed his bobby pins a bit.

You have 30+ posts in this thread already. Not one of them contain a single original idea, or thought. Try shutting the fuck up for a change. Hillary won.

I take it you`re still pissed I fucked you up last time you thought you could.

Did you thinked that up all by your lonesome ? Of course Hillary won, you said so.

30+ damn, I do get rather mouthy. Open yours, lemme see what I can do for you.