Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Even cat lafy doesnt have this number.

It switches again in a week ir two.i got other numbers but you dont even call.

Btw i have a g4 to! Also a s4 n s7

Wanna jerk off together?nohomo
We totally could
Aim a phone at you I'll aim one at me then using another phone we could like watch porn each other And virtual circle jerk

I gots a few phones too
Wait a second.. You think your slick.. Your just tryin to butter me up

U aint no maple glazed butter tart so stop fronting like it.

I have done the butter tart trail in prince edward county.

I am a certified butter tart champion man. Dont even test my skills.

You know how many I ate in one day? Way to fucking many thats how many
I signed a binding agreement with the courts to do my witness statement at the station. What I signed is saying that this is in place of going to court as I legally cannot go to trial or plea. I no longer go to my co accused trial. I will be done on video. Its rare but my lawyer is the diggity. She also hates his

After I find a night to do this I can plead guikty to all my charges.
I have been on house arrest by the time I plead for 2yr plus and I did about 3 monghs dead time.

Then 9 months conditional release other wise know as house arrest.

I do go to jail for 2 days for processing.

Im almost done this bs
I've posted this before but I like my posts so much I'll throw it up again

Merck, the maker of Vioxx, publicly announced its voluntary withdrawal of Vioxx from the global market on September 30, 2004. In 2005, advisory panels in both the US and Canada encouraged the return of Vioxx to the market, stating that Vioxx's benefits outweighed the risks for some patients. The FDA advisory panel voted 17-15 to allow the drug to return to the market despite being found to increase heart risk. The vote in Canada was 12-1, and the Canadian panel noted that the cardiovascular risks from Vioxx seemed to be no worse than those from ibuprofen.

Notwithstanding these recommendations, Merck has not returned Vioxx to the market

Vioxx was the primary suspect in 4,540 deaths, in the 6 years it was on the market

In comparison, the amphetamines, including adderall and ritalin accounted for less than 200 deaths in a longer time frame.

tylenol, acetaminophen, kills about 75% less, widely distributed and actually used to prevent drug abuse.

Theres something wrong with this picture...cannadians, what are you thinking?

Last edited: Jul 1, 2015

People always like to spout "big pharma" which ironically one doesnt hear in the industry, not till you come on the internets and crappy news is that word or phrase heard..
What i like about this case, and there are plenty more. The maker of the drug pulled it back and did so despite the "govt" not wanting it too, lol at that too, "govt". I understand some people have an irrational loathing of pharmaceutical companies, but they actually arent out to get you, or treat and not cure or blah blah blah.
Its damb frustrating. Someone earlier was saying how they even despised the people who make vaccinations.
These people dedicate their lives to improving yours. We as a species are not perfect, we do not have a full understanding of most things, and can only do so much. But they're trying. Then to get a large majority of the population basically slapping them in the face is sickening to me

Rant over..my bad

July 1 2015
Dann old post