Is there anything else I can do to increase my yield?


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps,

I am currently growing a pure sativa strain, Dr grinspoon from barneys farm.

It is a very long flowering strain, 16-20 weeks so I want to make sure I am doing everything as correctly as possible.

She is in week 5 flower.
In coco.
Feeding GH Micro and GH bloom @ 10ml/20ml per 10 litres of water.
I am adding 0.4 ec of calmag.
Total EC 1.6.
pH: 6
Temps : 85F/70F
Lighting : 1x 600w air cooled hps
4x 300w Mars hydros.
500ppm co2
1.2x1.2 grow tent.
100,000 lux top buds. 30,000 lower buds.

Thanks for any help. I feel I could improve the yield by pruning the plant a bit (I haven't pruned her atall)....

Thanks guys
IMG-20160910-WA0030.jpg IMG-20160910-WA0029.jpg


Those look great !

Others my say I'm stupid but you can de foliate to some degree get rid of some of that brush hiding all the buds that are shaded ! Just don't pull any leaves off that are 3-4 nodes from top make sure to leave those alone


Well-Known Member
Also now that I think about it, that doesn't look anything like Grinspoon. Grinspoon makes spindly little tiny tiny nugget buds, that has a very distinct look. Unless those clowns over there at BF made some watered down cross of it. Either way you have a wonderful looking Sativa on your hands but I'd bet money it'll be done in another 5-6 weeks tops


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Here is my latest pic:

It is definitly a Dr grinspoon, Barneys Farm, I can show you the reciept:).....6 weeks since flip.

Peace out:)



Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Here is my latest pic:

It is definitly a Dr grinspoon, Barneys Farm, I can show you the reciept:).....6 weeks since flip.

Peace out:)

Right on. Not doubting your purchase, I doubt BF! Lol (it's more than likely a cross of Grinspoon to make it more palatable to the home grower like ourselves as the Spoon is a 16-20 and holy shit that's a long wait) There's so much bs floating around with genetics. I always say as long as I'm happy with the finished product, fuck it!


Well-Known Member
Right on. Not doubting your purchase, I doubt BF! Lol (it's more than likely a cross of Grinspoon to make it more palatable to the home grower like ourselves as the Spoon is a 16-20 and holy shit that's a long wait) There's so much bs floating around with genetics. I always say as long as I'm happy with the finished product, fuck it!
I don't think so... I purchased the one you are talking about... Apparently some of them grow large buds and are big yielders... I was also expecting those little pop corn buds... Maybe I got lucky with a super Dr?? Time will tell I guess :)


Well-Known Member

OK read a bit about it.... Where would I get this from??

Seaweed, alfalfa

I just buy mine 99% pure I use an online shop in the UK

if your usa based there must be loads of places selling it I see it on all the time

buy like 1 to 20g of it you want to pay like 50p to £2 per gram normally

I mix it with some alcohol before mixing it with some Halo and wetting agent and spraying with it

you don`t need to use halo any folia with a bit of iron will do, but I find iron, b vits and fulvic help when spraying

Maybe another member that`s local to you knows a supplier

I use these guys but normally via their ebay site, I just buy the triacontanol powder, I dissolve it with alcohol and add it to my liquid seaweed normally that way I can use the seaweed to feed with or spray with

Or sometimes I just mix it up with alcohol and mix it fresh into a follia, this normally works best and uses least but adding it to the seaweed or I had some mixed up with a pure bottle of K feed

feeding it via the roots does make the plants get more sticky, but like I said spraying it once a month seems to be more dramatic

just do both

stop using it around 3 to 4 weeks before harvest as plants getting it normally keep shooting off fresh white hairs and you want that to ripen up some plus no point wasting it, I mean it`s pretty cheap but its one of the more expensive things I use, Mycorr and soil bacteria`s probably cost me more, trichoderma is cheaper, food is pretty cheap

guess non of it seems that expensive compared to canna boost but triacontanol makes that look like weak shit and costs way less, lol


Well-Known Member
Yes, but I agree, looks nothing like Dr. Grinspoon. I grew one outdoor a few years ago. I planted it the first of May, and it took till the 1st of November to mature with small almost bead like buds. It was a good smoke and mold resistant due to the small buds, but I don't have the patience to do it again. What you're growing definitely looks more like a hybrid, but you will be happy with the harvest I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Grinspoon 2.0 way different plant structure than what I grew. I'm jealous!! Beautiful!!
yeah but the Mk 1 grew like funny round "grape" buds bit of a shame the new one don`t

what`s the smell and taste like ? Never had it a mate said he grew it once but never gave me many details on it


Well-Known Member
I would actually back off a little.. the tips of your leaves are turning down.. Brown tips...classic sign of over feeding ..
lookin really good.. I can almost taste it!!


Well-Known Member
I can`t imagine what that would do if you hit it with a triacontanol follia even just spray all the fan leaves with it

Sativa`s explode hard with that stuff right uptill their dead indicas normally after week6 it`ll just frost/gum them more add some weight but the african Mozam I did even after 6 months of 10/14 when I hit it with triacontanol it shot out tons of fresh hairs and buds still think I took her down a bit early, never had such a piney sativa before