Hillary can't be trusted

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Seeing how the average trump supporter is "deplorable" and "irredeemable" must mean that byrd having been in the power he was in at the time he was in it I bet he even bought the rope a few times. How do you redeem yourself from that?
incoherent asshat. Many Trump supporters are fucking deplorable. They are proud racists, uneducated assholes and desperate fucking nostalgia whores. It's a fucking fact clown go visit breitbart for confirmation.
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@OddBall1st @NLXSK1 @bravedave @Catfish1966 @Flaming Pie

louts, the clot of you are uneducated, racist half wits.Your existence has been about being ignored, mocked and devalued . Why would today suddenly be the time when anything you said merits consideration? Fucking clowns.

Abast land lubber,thoust foul odor & dim wit offends my senses,the words thou speaks are as feeble as a fishwife & thoust brain is covered in barnicles,now run along & fetch me an ale before I have you horse whipped for your mongering lol
incoherent asshat. Many Trump supporters are fucking deplorable. They are proud racists, uneducated assholes and desperate fucking nostalgia whores. Ir's a fucking fact clown go visit breitbart for confirmation.

fuck,do you ever post a fact ? make a political point ?challenge a political point of others using stats ?

so far all I've seen is you freaking out & telling everybody else how stupid they are.

aka virtue signaling

BTW dude you might want to change your avi,you've got the dropsies,your pecker fell off ,which explains a lot :bigjoint:
I finally figured out my campaign slogan. PINWORM 2016 "All up inside your ass!" Pls rate using a scale of 1-10.

Also, illy bandit seems especially upset tonight. I think I know who he really is...
I finally figured out my campaign slogan. PINWORM 2016 "All up inside your ass!" Pls rate using a scale of 1-10.

Also, illy bandit seems especially upset tonight. I think I know who he really is...

I am thinking a re-incarnation of T-bone. For a few reasons listed below:

- He joined right after "zarabeth's" last post.
-His first few posts here were in politics. Straight into this section? Yea fucking right. Smells funny. It literally took him 20 comments until he started complaining about how UncleBuck tears the racist cunts in here a new asshole (that usually takes a normal grower about a year to realize).
- Then, he makes friendly in the TnT section. Complains about how socks are treated unfairly. How would he even know that term?
- And finally, he is knowledgeable about certain members histories. Tough to explain away why he would know intimate details about posters while only being a month old "new member"...

I don't think anyone who complains this much about how this site operates, would stick around, and dedicate every other post in a poor attempt to sway posters into voting for an orange racist shitbag. Oh, and I love how he says calling people cunts is mysogyny, while constantly wishing death and worse on our next president...

Idk, I am willing to concede that I may just be drunk. Either way it's no skin off my sack... brb, diarrhea...
fuck,do you ever post a fact ? make a political point ?challenge a political point of others using stats ?

so far all I've seen is you freaking out & telling everybody else how stupid they are.

aka virtue signaling

BTW dude you might want to change your avi,you've got the dropsies,your pecker fell off ,which explains a lot :bigjoint:
Screams, I'm a fucking fearful, troubled eunuch
On to the subject.. Hillary is disgusting.. Her first and last impulse is to lie. She cannot be trusted and should be in prison. Anyone that can't see that is blind to reality.

she's actually the second most honest politician in the united states, behind obama.

trump ranks dead last by a mile.


go be an idiot somewhere else.
@OddBall1st @NLXSK1 @bravedave @Catfish1966 @Flaming Pie

louts, the clot of you are uneducated, racist half wits.Your existence has been about being ignored, mocked and devalued . Why would today suddenly be the time when anything you said merits consideration? Fucking clowns.
Not only do you consider them, you are compelled to try to refute them. Sadly, you can not, so the best you can do is insult those who speak them.
Who said I was ashamed? Oh sure I was ashamed back then. I reamed him a new asshole for being a dumbass. No, it was not rape or any violence.

You asked why he didn't fight ISIS even though you don't know when he served or if he fought ISIS.

You demand information but why would I give that to you if you are only going to use it against me.

Much like Trump's tax returns. You all want to hate on him for paying low taxes. If the law allows his tax rate, then so be it. That would not be enough for MSM. They would paint him in a horrible light all because he used every deduction and rebate he qualified for.
So you refuse to tell us why your husband was booted out the military. You are forcing us to believe it is because of what Trump says. Your husband is either a rapist or drug dealer...hmmm maybe even murder.
The timeline would put your husband in the military during ISIS, unless you have been on welfare for at least 15 years. Did he rape someone on purpose, so he would get kicked out and avoid fighting ISIS ? Is your husband proud to have gotten kicked out the military and having his wife beg for foodstamps ?
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