Another thing some of them were doing is the con of signing up patients and saying they could still grow their own while using some of their allotted 12 plants without even telling them.....that's another one of the reasons they made it that you cannot work at a disp if you are a caregiver, grow and sell pot.
Conflict of interest going on there on several levels and a scam to everyone involved in the system.
This goes back to no regulations and people just ad libbing the law or outright breaking it.
Even if the Federal government made it legal to smoke pot the State and the Feds have the right to regulate, enforce, and collect taxes on revenues.
So you can bet when and if the Fed makes it legal they will get their's too.
That's part of the whole great American Capitalist System............
Aren't you proud to be an American now!
I also saw they plan on making edibles and other forms legal as that's something.