Trump is leading the polls finally!

Who will you vote for?

  • Trump

  • Clinton

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone really, in their right mind think that Hillary, HRH, and anointed one is going to let Trump take this from her?

This bitch is nasty behind the scenes not to mention how she stole the primary from Bernie her 'friend' of 25 years..

Nothing is going to stop Clinton, nothing.

And that's one thing you can take to the bank.

Stage five, acceptance.


Well-Known Member
So why oh why is Trump winning the RIU poll? I was under the impression this was a liberal forum but in reality all I see is a gang of liberals who add nothing to the conversation besides to call us retards or say we have small dicks.

So nobody bothers to post but according to the big bold text at top name calling is not allowed so why do people get to shit on people just because they prefer Trump @sunni ? Are they just buddy buddy with mods? Or can I call everyone I disagree with a retard and tell them they have a tiny dick? I truly would love to know Sunni.
But you aren't adding to the discussion; you're trying to pass utter falsehoods off as facts.

Then you complain about being called a liar!


Well-Known Member
I smell something burning;

Shit pants on fire.

Your sock puppet is going down in flames.

No matter what account you use to lie with, we know the truth.
What truth? You sound like a conspiracy theorist to me getting delusional in your old age I see.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
It's a lose lose situation IMO there both fucking crazy it's like I said before's like choosing between getting hit by a car or a semi truck they both have a major suck factor ....
I've been hit by a car. I got a new bike out of it. If trump gets me a new bike, I'd be okay with it. Bikes are rad.


Well-Known Member
That's the single strongest indictment against everything you stand for. Yet you don't mind living in abject poverty as long as you can keep sucking conservative cock. Buffoon.
You seem to be the one sucking Hillary cock. I don't like either party and the fact both parties don't like Trump makes me love Trump. The enemy of my enemy is a friend.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone really, in their right mind think that Hillary, HRH, and anointed one is going to let Trump take this from her?

This bitch is nasty behind the scenes not to mention how she stole the primary from Bernie her 'friend' of 25 years..

Nothing is going to stop Clinton, nothing.

And that's one thing you can take to the bank.
The people can stop Hillary she did not physically steal the election from Bernie her and the DNC conspired against Sanders made him look like a fool much like they are doing to Trump.

She says Trump supporters are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist and all that bullshit yet I have not seen anything racist from Trump. Hillary has called black people super predators that need to be brought to heel. No wonder we have such a fucked up drug war and the largest prison population on earth.

He is winning here he can win in real life as long as the election is not stolen he is our only option Obama and Hillary have started World War 3 with some help from Bush wake the fuck up!!


Well-Known Member
im shocked at the support trump is getting,
I'm shocked anyone would vote for Hillary we are basically in WW3 thanks to Bush, Obama and Hillary the Bush fuck up could have been fixed though but Obama and Hillary made it so fucking bad it's not even funny.

15 years ago 3,000 Americans died we have more than got our revenge this is all just senseless killing of many people who would be great people if they didn't have bombs dropped on them constantly.