nuggs 2016

I fog it on with a hudson fogger. I don't see any break-out of worms so something is working. It's still early but, I'm taking the advise of other top grower's (TWS and Mjmama ) that spinosad is the best for worms. I really would rather use the wasp approach but can't seem to build a herd of them yet. I'll probably rotate Dipel(BT) and spinosad.
hi dud´s
i used paper towel method to germinat cannabis seeds but the tap root won't go long why is that plz help
It might be the seeds are just duds. But I stopped using paper towels years ago.

Just put them pointy end down in some good potting soil. {not too hot} Add 1/4-1/2 inch potting soil and soak really good. Should be above ground in 3 or 4 days. The less you handle the better the root will do..
I'm have a problem with a plant hoping someone will know what this could be. I'm afraid I have too much nitrogen in my soil. Woot thinks it might be in the roots. It's Kosher Kush DNA. I have two of these20160910_114845.jpg plants and the other in the same mix isn't showing any curl and the bud site are larger but not up to par IMO.