Hillary can't be trusted

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Public school choice programs free families from having to attend their assigned neighborhood school. Some districts voluntarily offer school choice. Others are required to provide parents with options when a school is failing to meet the standards set by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

What part of choice do you not understand? Choice of whichever public or private school is what trump is preaching. If I had to, I would drive an hour every day both ways to get my girl in a good school.

so you want to take money away from public schools, which outperform charter schools, in order to give it to charter schools, which are doing worse than public schools, and instead of actually acknowledging that you want to send kids to shittier schools, you label it as "choice", because you are just so pro-choice (see: abortion rights).

Charter, private or public.

awwww, how cute. you're still trying. pathetic, but cute.

here, let me restate more accurately what you are saying: take millions of dollars away from the more effective public schools and give them to less effective private and charter schools because public education is communist indoctrination and i don't want my white child going to school with non-whites.

there, that is what you and trump and his white supremacist supporters are actually saying. i just made the implicit stuff explicit instead.
new email release shows hillary asked powell about his use of blackberry and he advised her how to use private emails.

what you GOP's have to say about your Repub hero doing the same same while SOS?

oh, well powell isn't running for pres. bullshit, she wasn't running for pres then either.

check and mate, losers. aloha, madam president
new email release shows hillary asked powell about his use of blackberry and he advised her how to use private emails.

what you GOP's have to say about your Repub hero doing the same same while SOS?

oh, well powell isn't running for pres. bullshit, she wasn't running for pres then either.

check and mate, losers. aloha, madam president
So they are both corrupt.
new email release shows hillary asked powell about his use of blackberry and he advised her how to use private emails.

what you GOP's have to say about your Repub hero doing the same same while SOS?

oh, well powell isn't running for pres. bullshit, she wasn't running for pres then either.

check and mate, losers. aloha, madam president

Hey Rocky. Different scale. Powell, of course, did not have a server in his laundry room, didn't erase emails, didn't destroy equipment to cover it up, didn't have a guy who maintained his phone plead the fifth and didn't lie about the contents. But sure, where Powell was reckless...Hillary took it to the extreme.

Seems Denver winning on a missed field goal got the widdle boy a liitle excited. Similarly, your post just sailed wide left.

Oh and also recently found in the new chain amongst yoga and wedding plans were emails talking about security breeches of said server. Extremely bad judgement for a would-be....
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Hey Rocky. Different scale. Powell, of course, did not have a server in his laundry room, didn't erase emails, didn't destroy equipment to cover it up, didn't have a guy who maintained his phone plead the fifth and didn't lie about the contents. But sure, where Powell was reckless...Hillary took it to the extreme.

Seems Denver winning on a missed field goal got the widdle boy a liitle excited. Similarly, your post just sailed wide left.

Oh and also recently found in the new chain amongst yoga and wedding plans were emails talking about security breeches of said server. Extremely bad judgement for a would-be....

bad judgment, yes.
criminal, nope.
president, yes.
broncos, nope.
He was sued. Hillary will or can be arrested. and do Jail. All I could find.
Once Benedict Donald is found guilty of fraud under RICO charges, the feds will have more access to his accoounts and can obtain more evidence. We'll see if criminal charges are levied after that. If not, I'll be satisfied with him getting a $100 million fine.

Has Hillary been charged?
Yes it's true that about a hundred years ago, the klan held office in the Democratic party. I guess you find it comforting to say that at one time your party wasn't infected with white supremacists. Of course in those days, you would have been a Democrat. Because that's where the racists were homed.

Moving on to the present:

The Republican Party's Ku Klux Klan 'problem' is much bigger than just Donald Trump

White supremacists love Donald Trump. Last week, David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed the American Il Duce. As reported by the website Buzzfeed:

“Voting for these people, voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage,” Duke said on the David Duke Radio Program Wednesday, referring to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

So there is that, the present-day Republican Party under Benedict Donald's leadership is home to David Duke and the White Supremacist Right. Which is why there is this effort to focus on the past, rather than the present. Its a foolish attempt.
a career criminal who has never been convicted of a crime.

you are one of our more brilliant sock puppets.

cram walnuts up your ass.
If a tree falls in the woods and nobody was there to hear it, did it make a sound?

Joe Kennedy never got charged with a crime but everyone knows he was a bootlegger just had better friends than Mr. Capone.
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