I just saved a mans life 15 minutes ago

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
sitting at the ATM machine at a Rite Aide drug store I watched this older dude walk over into the shade of the building,then straight up collapse,laid out on the concrete like a snow angle,he busted his head when he fell out,another dude seen it too & we both ran to help the old guy.

when we got to him he wasn't breathing so while the other younger guy was trying to get a pulse I gave him 3 rounds of CPR & his pump started kickin again but his entire head was purple,his forehead felt like 1000 degrees,the pharmacist brought out 2 cold packs & we each wrapped his hands around the cold packs to cool his blood while waiting on the ambulance.

cops showed up first & went to yank the old dude up thinking he was an old drunk & all 3 of us had to stop the cops,the pharmacist went berserk on the cops n held them off till the ambulance arrived & did their thing.

asshat cop demanded ID from me & the other guy who helped & I walked off,got in the car n split,I hope the old dude comes out of it,he had what looked to us as a severe heat stroke,I'm still shook by the deal,I'm glad as hell I decided to go get some pocket cash because the way that ATM machine is set up behind the building nobody would have seen that old guy.


Well-Known Member
sitting at the ATM machine at a Rite Aide drug store I watched this older dude walk over into the shade of the building,then straight up collapse,laid out on the concrete like a snow angle,he busted his head when he fell out,another dude seen it too & we both ran to help the old guy.

when we got to him he wasn't breathing so while the other younger guy was trying to get a pulse I gave him 3 rounds of CPR & his pump started kickin again but his entire head was purple,his forehead felt like 1000 degrees,the pharmacist brought out 2 cold packs & we each wrapped his hands around the cold packs to cool his blood while waiting on the ambulance.

cops showed up first & went to yank the old dude up thinking he was an old drunk & all 3 of us had to stop the cops,the pharmacist went berserk on the cops n held them off till the ambulance arrived & did their thing.

asshat cop demanded ID from me & the other guy who helped & I walked off,got in the car n split,I hope the old dude comes out of it,he had what looked to us as a severe heat stroke,I'm still shook by the deal,I'm glad as hell I decided to go get some pocket cash because the way that ATM machine is set up behind the building nobody would have seen that old guy.
coming from the virtue signaller who thinks that aid workers in africa are purposely infecting innocent africans with ebola, i'm gonna go ahead and attribute this one to wild imagination.


Well-Known Member
You actually did something good today. From my experience not alot of people woulda done that. Fuck the police to never had a good experience with them. When I need help from them I never get it, but had plenty of bullshit from them. I understand they have a hard job, but to alot of times they are wrong and think they can do whatever they want.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
You actually did something good today. From my experience not alot of people woulda done that. Fuck the police to never had a good experience with them. When I need help from them I never get it, but had plenty of bullshit from them. I understand they have a hard job, but to alot of times they are wrong and think they can do whatever they want.
if the pharmacists wouldn't have been there the cops would have yanked him into an upright position,that girl pharmacist gave em holy hell to leave him be

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Good thing all of you were there or the police woulda just fucked shit up or arrived to late.
idk if the cops would have hurt him or not but u think they'd know better that to just yank an injured person upright,I think the cops thought he was a drunk that passed out by how brash they acted about the whole deal


Well-Known Member
Yea you'd think they would know better. What I was talking about before, they think they know what's going on when they don't and jump to conclusions. I'm sure they see that alot but not everyone in that situation is drunk. The way things are going now days wouldn't surprise me if they showed up ready to shoot someone.


Well-Known Member
sitting at the ATM machine at a Rite Aide drug store I watched this older dude walk over into the shade of the building,then straight up collapse,laid out on the concrete like a snow angle,he busted his head when he fell out,another dude seen it too & we both ran to help the old guy.

when we got to him he wasn't breathing so while the other younger guy was trying to get a pulse I gave him 3 rounds of CPR & his pump started kickin again but his entire head was purple,his forehead felt like 1000 degrees,the pharmacist brought out 2 cold packs & we each wrapped his hands around the cold packs to cool his blood while waiting on the ambulance.

cops showed up first & went to yank the old dude up thinking he was an old drunk & all 3 of us had to stop the cops,the pharmacist went berserk on the cops n held them off till the ambulance arrived & did their thing.

asshat cop demanded ID from me & the other guy who helped & I walked off,got in the car n split,I hope the old dude comes out of it,he had what looked to us as a severe heat stroke,I'm still shook by the deal,I'm glad as hell I decided to go get some pocket cash because the way that ATM machine is set up behind the building nobody would have seen that old guy.
Bad thread title. Dude may still have died. You don't know. Mods, change this title to "I beat and kissed a dead man". Or my personal favorite "I made this story up while jerking it to albino midget porn".

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Bad thread title. Dude may still have died. You don't know. Mods, change this title to "I beat and kissed a dead man". Or my personal favorite "I made this story up while jerking it to albino midget porn".
nice !

nobody " kissed" him,you'd know that rescue breathing isn't part of CPR by taking a single class every parent should take,your right he still could have died later but atlesst I didn't drive off cause I'm so self centered with my own affairs.

maybe I'd be a cool guy if I video'd it all n posted 2 Facebook like the zombies do

if your best is 2 be a dick why even bother?

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
My last interaction with a cop wasn't all that bad. It was the fat bitch on my cousins car that was the problem. My dumb ass cousin @Lamborghini leg lock went to get more beer for us. He was drunk af and bumped into this lady's uhaul trailer. Like and idiot he tried to roll out like nothing happened so she figured the best thing to do was jump on his hood and call the cops. I paid her $50 or something like that and she got off and leftimage.png
That's one hell of a camel toe she's rockin.

As soon as she left I fired up the smoker so the cops would smell bbq instead of weed. When the cop got there he thought we were the ones that called and told me if she comes back to call them again lol I just said ok.