Getting people fired for racist social media posts

no,I'm fairly sure he meant some fool with a fucked up name like Jasmine Noxema Tapioca :lol:

no. probably barron wyatt puffingworth III.

i love how you are still crying about this.

i might just spend today scouring facebook for another one of these dickbags to get fired. it's just that it is so rare for one of them to be employed. i mean, look at you. you're clearly unemployable, even for the burger flipping jobs that are tailor made for kids your age.
It's upsetting that a company can fire someone for a Facebook post. You're not allowed to have any differing beliefs?

you find freedom of speech upsetting? you must be one of those constitution loving patriots.

people are free to post what they want on facebook, and even to identify their employer while they do it. and that employer is allowed to fire people if they feel that speech reflects badly on their company. it's called freedom of speech, and it is kinda what makes america great.

and the best part is that i am free to screenshot those posts, send them to their employer, and facilitate the whole thing. that part is super fucking awesome.

sorry you're such a dumbass racist.
i am definitely gonna start getting more serious about this newfound hobby of mine.

it's just so satisfying.


"Hate speech of any kind is unacceptable at Jefferson and is not consistent with our values, policies and the culture of inclusiveness, dignity and respect we continue to build here"



i'll keep the examples flowing as the days go on. might even include some of my own.

Philly trash looking down on
You find that totally awesome?

You're a bitch. You can argue all day long but that will never change.
Men will know it . You are a bitch. Enjoy it.

you are not a man. you are not qualified to speak on what it is to be a man.

racism is not manly. it is cowardice. you are announcing to the world what a scared little coward you are.

now go off somewhere and be a latent homosexual somewhere else. like stormfront. you'd be a good match for stormfront.

@iHearAll has a tiny, tiny penis.
Philly people are known dicks. I may be able to chill with you but you are known dicks. Ever been to Ctizens Bank park?
good point lol.. phillies sports fans are fucking animals. but we never win... i think thats why they rage the way they do
good point lol.. phillies sports fans are fucking animals. but we never win... i think thats why they rage the way they do

Holy shit. I almost punched a girl at Shea Stadium because she chanted Bobby Abreu's name for 4 hours straight.