Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

The jungle is a section of los Angeles a bit west of downtown crenshaw & hyde park area.A small place where the fire pit takes up half the space been going there for 40 years.
The pit reminds me of this REK song.

My BIL has been smoking meat for years in large drum type smokers. Last Christmas his kids got him an electric smoker that you just add wood chips to. It taste just as good, and you don't have to stay up all night feeding wood.
Non weed related post here. But I am glad the Tour de France is wrapping up today. Now my F1 will be back on it's regular channel and my DVR will record it live, instead of the late night replays I have been getting. Now if Lewis will just win and get in the point's lead, my day will be a good one. No spoilers please. I won't be watching until tonight when I get in from work.

And I guess this could be weed related. I do pause the DVR right before the lights go out and step outside for a smoke.
Great thread. I like your camp too, it looks nice and peaceful.
I spent the summer of 86 running around in GA at benning. The humidity and heat was brutal coming from the west coast. Now I am not sure I could handle it and pack the stuff around you do.
Great thread. I like your camp too, it looks nice and peaceful.
I spent the summer of 86 running around in GA at benning. The humidity and heat was brutal coming from the west coast. Now I am not sure I could handle it and pack the stuff around you do.

I work outside in the heat most everyday, but I have learned to go really slow. And I drink so much water it isn't funny

If I get off work in time, I'll be camping tonight. The worse part is trying to stay cool and keep the skeeters off you. I strip off to my underwear and spray, spray, spray. Most nights it doesn't get down to 70F. And the bad part of summer is still to come. I look forward to the 2nd half of September. That is when the heat breaks most years.
Non weed related post here. But I am glad the Tour de France is wrapping up today. Now my F1 will be back on it's regular channel and my DVR will record it live, instead of the late night replays I have been getting. Now if Lewis will just win and get in the point's lead, my day will be a good one. No spoilers please. I won't be watching until tonight when I get in from work.

And I guess this could be weed related. I do pause the DVR right before the lights go out and step outside for a smoke.

Definitely weed related im an F1 fan but can never sit through a whole race unless im good and stoned
Definitely weed related im an F1 fan but can never sit through a whole race unless im good and stoned
I messed around and saw who won. I'll still watch the race, but most likely tomorrow. I like how short the Grand Prix are. Two hours max. I have watched just about every NASCAR cup race for the last 25 years, up until this year. I'm a Jeff Gordon fan, and his retirement was a good excuse for me to get my Sunday's back. Since he was driving for Jr today, I did watch the Brickyard 400. Well, it was on. I was fighting to stay awake through most of it. These late nights are kicking my old ass.
Avoiding F1 reults until the evening is a problem as old as the sport. Ive never been able to get into stock car racing but theres no culture of it where i come from so not really suprising, like you say it seems to me the races are very long and with limited moments of excitment but id need to go see one to try and appriciate it properly. I grew up going to brands hatch to watch super bikes and touring cars but that competition is not what it used to be unfortunatetly
Avoiding F1 reults until the evening is a problem as old as the sport. Ive never been able to get into stock car racing but theres no culture of it where i come from so not really suprising, like you say it seems to me the races are very long and with limited moments of excitment but id need to go see one to try and appriciate it properly. I grew up going to brands hatch to watch super bikes and touring cars but that competition is not what it used to be unfortunatetly
Yea, you grow up liking what you are around. I was a race fan 50 years ago. At five years old I was a huge AJ Foyt fan. Back then there was no live coverage of stock car racing. There was a recap show on Saturday afternoon that had the highlights. There are still a few dirt short tracks around. I used to go when I was younger. Too loud and too dirty for me now. Plus I just don't have the time I used to.
My customers got done an hour early, so I'll be getting out of here soon. I'm running by the house for supper and a kiss from the wife, then I'm heading to the camp. Haven't decided which patches I will tend tomorrow. But the way my ass is dragging, it will be short walk patches.

See you guys tomorrow.
The jungle is a section of los Angeles a bit west of downtown crenshaw & hyde park area.A small place where the fire pit takes up half the space been going there for 40 years.
lived in silverlake by echo park, prolly yet a lil further west than you speak of. it was still sketchy when i lived there. heard that area improved like a lot of los angeles.
BST1 in GN patch is further along than the BST2's in the FP patch.


I killed three males in the GN patch yesterday. 2 BST2's and the older BST1 that I had been trimming. 4 plants left. 1 BST2 male, 2 BST2 females and the BST1 female above. After working with the Sidetracked: seeds, getting this many males is a shock. I like having choices though.
