oak wardrobe organic grow

I have a pH problem.

I only changed one ingredient. I used a new peat base from the nursery. It WS $25 for 4 cubic ft bales, dried and compressed. It said to water and let pH stabilize of some many days. I followed the instructions. I'm sure its the culprit.

Oh and t5 will burn a plant. See the brown? I burnt it.

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Any opinions welcome.
I'm starting to wonder if my rain catch got contaminated some how. I still haven't got test strips.

Those brown rusty spots are spreading.
I'm starting to wonder if my rain catch got contaminated some how. I still haven't got test strips.

Those brown rusty spots are spreading.
I'd say head to Wally World or a hydro store and get either strips or a meter asap.
My suggestion would be check the water before using it again and if it's fine you know it's the peat.
I'd say head to Wally World or a hydro store and get either strips or a meter asap.
My suggestion would be check the water before using it again and if it's fine you know it's the peat.
To be honest the brown spots came after I watered with Epsom. I also watered back to back and showing signs of over watering.

I screwed the pooch and didn't follow my own advice. I should have left them be.

I'm going to get some today. I've got pine needles and what not in my rain catch.

Even with the problem, whatever it is, they are trucking right along.

Actually, can't be the rain catch. I water my garden with it and its fine.

Got to be the peat. How would I correct that without digging them up? I'm the one telling everyone you don't need a pH meter with soil, especially with organics.
They sell many amendments to both raise and lower ph depending.
I'd probably transplant to a bigger pot while shaking out that mix.
I've been lucky over the years but that's why I stick with pro mix and or sunshine mix.
Not the shiniest car in the lot but you know she starts. u know what I mean.
They sell many amendments to both raise and lower ph depending.
I'd probably transplant to a bigger pot while shaking out that mix.
I've been lucky over the years but that's why I stick with pro mix and or sunshine mix.
Not the shiniest car in the lot but you know she starts. u know what I mean.
I didn't think it would be a problem. I'm growing flowers in the peat mix and they are fine. I just don't get it. I don't have room to go to bigger pot. If need be I'll take them out of the pot and root prune and replant.