From scratch only! No premixed bottles of "stuff"

Everything I've read you want splashing ,as that breaks the surface tension allowing more O to enter the water
yikes yea id have to enclose the entire system in a 5 gallon jug or set the recycles into the pail below the top rim and put a lid on it.

however, i'm satisfied with my design thus far. I added support to every recycle clumn and where the motor hangs. the pump is rated for 951 GPH which prrrrrrrrrrrrobably is well around overkill for the dissolved oxygen. also, the splashing effect was there in the original design but if the water sputtered then the vortex would crap out briefly. i have the recycles just at surface level so they flow over as their source for velocity.
i tossed a few clones in the compost the other day. it rained pretty heavily and i went out to the compost pile and they were trying to grow into it. so, i replanted them back into solo cups with new soil. They looked like shit from rubbing alcohol but are coming back really well so i figured i should let them grow through it join us in life.

Im also growing some holy basil tea, Tulsi. It has serrated leaves and the peach fuzz of a small child. everyone is getting stepped up N vortex teas since they're looking a bit pale. Theyre all going inside in less than a month under a handmade and hand ballasted R/B 660-700w (actual) LED and a Magnum 357 LED from 2011.CIMG1969.JPG CIMG1971.JPG CIMG1972.JPG CIMG1973.JPG CIMG1975.JPG CIMG1976.JPG

heres the ones i threw in the compost for a couple days and replanted.

yes everyone's getting neem oil treatments through bringing them indoors. GOo000oooo0D IDEA TO DO THAT
"horn silica", which in my case is going in a fresh bamboo tube for two months, 1 gram per 13 liters of water and distributed over 1 acre. i only need to apply it to an indoor garden twice every 6 months or twice per crop. a gram or two should last me a few seasons. and fuck stirring it by hand for an hour, i have homework. ill use a stir plate, thank you o' sagesCIMG2007.JPG CIMG2009.JPG CIMG2010.JPG
I think your volicity issues r due to constriction of the exit opening at the bottom of the pail.
Use a larger opening to feed the risers imo
Info behind why i use opuntia in teas.
Best infor is at the bottom of this post.

Health benefits of nopales (prickley pear paddles, opuntia)

  • Nopales are one of very low calorie vegetables. 100 g of fresh leaves carry just 16 calories. Nonetheless, its modified leaves (paddles) have many vital phytochemicals, fiber, anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can immensely benefit health.

  • The succulent paddles are rich sources of dietary fiber, especially non-carbohydrate polysaccharides, such aspectin, mucilage and hemicellulose.Together, these substances help bring reduction in body weight, LDL-cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. This rich fiber and mucilaginous content in cactus pads aid in smooth passage of digested food particles through the gut and help relieve constipation problems.

  • In addition, the juice extracted from the noples has been suggested to have immune-booster, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Cactus pads feature moderate amounts of vitamin A with 100 g fresh pads carrying about 457 IU of vitamin A, and 250 µg of ß-carotene. ß-carotene converted into vitamin-A inside the body. Studies found that vitamin A and flavonoid compounds in vegetables help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers.

  • Further, nopal pads contain small levels of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are essential for optimum cellular enzymatic and metabolic functions inside the human body.

  • Fresh pads contain average levels of vitamin-C. 100 g provides 9.3 mg or 15% of this vitamin. Vitamin C is a water-soluble, natural anti-oxidant, which helps the body protect from scurvy and offer resistance against infectious agents (boost immunity), and help scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.

  • They contain small amounts of minerals, especially calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.
there is a grasshopper on the hibiscus cannabinus. the burgundy flower. clearly he is taking a liking to hemp of sorts. and looks like some spider mite damage as well. thats no suprise. i get torn up by chiggers if im out there too long. i need to get beneficial nematodes before long, these will be coming indoors for the most part. gotta get clean....CIMG2097.JPG CIMG2098.JPG CIMG2099.JPG CIMG2100.JPG CIMG2101.JPG CIMG2102.JPG CIMG2103.JPG CIMG2104.JPG CIMG2105.JPG CIMG2106.JPG
make sure your pump is above the surface line!! you're less likely to get a flooded motor. unless you're running 24/7 or keeping the motor on when draining the brewer, there are no airstones in my brewer, the tubing is pvc cemented into the 3/4" cap. i had to solvent everything to keep it from leaking. pvc glue nor any other glue except dp8005 will stick to a home depot pail. its a handy type of polymer that is 99.99999% nonstick, i pulled that number out of my ass but two part epoxy sure as hell wont stick to it either, not even sanded.
itd be smarter to do what i had originally and just run the recyler over the rim and directed back in the pail, have less efficiency but easier to build. there are two false caps now on the side of the split to be able to clean any clogs and i have a bathroom shower drain gaurd on the main hole.

i saw a 1 arm vortex brewer DIY for 40$ if you have a motor already. i may build one of those. i dont imagine this thing will last very long.
I got all my parts even the pail , 20 gal tuff rubbermaid for$10 this morning
i was gona cot a 55 bbl in 1/2
but deemed it too shallow & broad that I would get too much settling of solids
& the vortex would turn slow
i might do a brewer build thread
i didn't wanna cut a H2O storage bbl if i didn't have to & the price was right
this is when (summer) shit like waste cans go on sale that & BBQ's
do you collect rain off your home gutters? greenhouse?
I collect as much as I can late winter off my roof & G/H gutters
i make sure all is filled by Feb , my gro is all R/O so the r/o waste & run0ff do the trees & my agave garden
about into late june I run outta storage
I collect as much as I can late winter off my roof & G/H gutters
i make sure all is filled by Feb , my gro is all R/O so the r/o waste & run0ff do the trees & my agave garden
about into late june I run outta storage
oooo tequila in the making? i have two potted agave, agave salmiana and agave filifera


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