My right to treat myself without medical professionals


Well-Known Member
Here is something I'm looking into, and I'm interested in any thoughts...

I have had a series of absolutely terrible doctors and I stopped using the medical system about 4 or 5 years ago. Our medical system that prioritizes treatment and procedures based on a person's social-economic status is largely to blame for the pain I experience. I used a clinic with a Skype doc for my pink slips and renewal. My condition is only going to get worse as I age and there is no cure. If I refuse to take pharma drugs and mmj is treating my symptoms, why do I need to subject myself to associating with quacks I don't know or trust in order to continue to get relief?
I want to argue that I have a right to self-treatment without intervention from the medical community. If I have proof of my medical condition, I say I use 10 g/day to treat it and need 49 plants to supply that, that should be enough. I am going to fill out any required HC documents using myself as 'physician' and let them explain how having a doctors' signature instead of mine own changes anything. It's about control over my own's a different context, but it's every bit as much a fundamental right as a woman's choice of abortion or a person refusing treatment on religious grounds. Doctors have been given way too much control over my quality of life and I intend to take it back.
you need to tell them that THEY are WORKING for YOU!
and go find one that knows this!!! Lots of moronic doctors...just as many moronic people...lawyers..judges...cops....the list is endless eh... ;)
A person who does not stand up for their rights will soon have none. A person has the right to self medicate. We are responsible for our own health paths that we take. We should be able to treat ourselves with plants from the earth while remaining unmolested and with out prejudices from the clowns who think they are our masters.

In a month from now your view will become very popular. Watch out for the stampede to become invisible from the government. The lawyers will be posturing and kicking up dust. Round .... I lost track what round it is.....but this shit will never end. too many careers revolve around it never ending .
A person who does not stand up for their rights will soon have none. A person has the right to self medicate. We are responsible for our own health paths that we take. We should be able to treat ourselves with plants from the earth while remaining unmolested and with out prejudices from the clowns who think they are our masters.

In a month from now your view will become very popular. Watch out for the stampede to become invisible from the government. The lawyers will be posturing and kicking up dust. Round .... I lost track what round it is.....but this shit will never end. too many careers revolve around it never ending .
Governments fund 'supervised injection sites' to facilitate the use of street drugs, but they think they can control how I treat MY body?
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
How are they gonna argue that? I might plagiarize some of what you wrote for my letter demanding ownership of my body and my health, lol.
Here is something I'm looking into, and I'm interested in any thoughts...

I have had a series of absolutely terrible doctors and I stopped using the medical system about 4 or 5 years ago. Our medical system that prioritizes treatment and procedures based on a person's social-economic status is largely to blame for the pain I experience. I used a clinic with a Skype doc for my pink slips and renewal. My condition is only going to get worse as I age and there is no cure. If I refuse to take pharma drugs and mmj is treating my symptoms, why do I need to subject myself to associating with quacks I don't know or trust in order to continue to get relief?
I want to argue that I have a right to self-treatment without intervention from the medical community. If I have proof of my medical condition, I say I use 10 g/day to treat it and need 49 plants to supply that, that should be enough. I am going to fill out any required HC documents using myself as 'physician' and let them explain how having a doctors' signature instead of mine own changes anything. It's about control over my own's a different context, but it's every bit as much a fundamental right as a woman's choice of abortion or a person refusing treatment on religious grounds. Doctors have been given way too much control over my quality of life and I intend to take it back.
I have thought about this angle a lot lately myself.
Medically we are in a similar position my group of Drs have not only told me that my health is what it is but that it's only going to get worse and I'd better adapt and get used to it. My neurologist even explained that they have a term. "Idiopathic" which means they are idiots and can't figure it out.
They admit they know nothing about mj yet they have been deemed the gate keepers. I'm not sure who we even talk to about such a mess.

if you get busted, bring it up in court. do your best to make headlines.

Martyrdom works. Do what you can for yourself, in the unfortunate event you get "caught", blow it up.

Fuck family doctors, fuck dentists, fuck politicians, fuck lawyers, fuck any person who feels the need to judge or control others. Evil is rampant in this fucking place. Like god damn creeping vines.
I'm no legal expert but I think there's a whole lot of expensive processes between the beginning and getting to the scoc
I hope I'm wrong tho
I would hope for a human rights advocacy group to intervene and provide legal council etc. otherwise I defend my own position with tax-payer funded legal aid.. How far that goes is anybody's guess, but I won't know unless I try. Right now it's a waiting game till the 24th when we see what kinda rules they come up with.Who knows, maybbe others in my situation will join the fight?
I'm just guessing, but I don't think they'll take my signature in place of a doctors', so if that is what is required, I file a charter rights complaint My first step after that is to try to get a court injunction allowing me to continue growing until it is settled.
As long as they are allowed to roll the ball when it comes to peoples health?
No one wins!
AND so far...they have lost out with rolling that ball. They and by the way this thread is going... not many realize this yet.
They're screwed when it comes to telling anyone how much medication they need.
They just dont know it quite yet. Its like they figure that a supreme courts decision will just go away?


Yea 8)
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i am curious how you'd organize a Human Rights complaint for us as patients.
if it's possible, i would do up paperwork and file etc. that would be a great adventure!
it's just wrong that they stand in our way like this.
if they legalize, we all get to self medicate. that's the only advantage i see in general legalization-no more dr visits. who would need them
It will not be as difficult to do....Trust me on that.
It's not hard to prove some misguided idiot completely wrong! and stuff anything they have to say right back out the wrong end it came from. :)

Wait till August and see the BS coming our way. RIGHT BACK TO COURT! Wanna wager on it??!!

Here we come Boys and Girls!!...
Look out because you are going to get MAD and ANGRY because no one is listening to your moronic judgements and ideas of grandeur.

..Court time, to shut you the fuck up for good!!!!

We're coming!!!!

....8) It's time to lose all your business Opps!
It will not be as difficult to do....Trust me on that.
It's not hard to prove some misguided idiot completely wrong! and stuff anything they have to say right back out the wrong end it came from. :)

Wait till August and see the BS coming our way. RIGHT BACK TO COURT! Wanna wager on it??!!

Here we come Boys and Girls!!...
Look out because you are going to get MAD and ANGRY because no one is listening to your moronic judgements and ideas of grandeur.

..Court time, to shut you the fuck up for good!!!!

We're coming!!!!

....8) It's time to lose all your business Opps!
if we get screwed again i will seriously see how to launch a "class action" human rights complaint. let's see how much noise we can make if that happens
I think the concept will work. May take some fighting and use of media/internet to fight it if you get busted but I can't see a judge denying you the right to treat yourself. This line of thinking is why I don't worry about growing illegally and refuse to sign up for any government program, fuck them, it's my body, my life and MJ has already extended my life by 6 years according to the doctors who told me I should get my shit in order back then. Fuck them all, I'd rather die in jail than succumb to a bunch of hypocritical boozers and pill pushers.