EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Hillary is a Juggernaut. She can't be stopped by the Feds, Congress or anyone or thing. Bernie tried and he is now with her. Jill will soon see that she also will be cantering to Hillary.
Hillary is a BOSS. Respect the Boss
Hillary Clinton can go fuck herself and if she becomes president she won't be able to sleep over the sound of protesters in DC.


Well-Known Member
I'm as outraged about the verdicts as I am about the original act.
Well look, I guess I was correct not to trust Sanders after all. I only opposed him out of a visceral distrust of the DNC but in hindsight he really was running a clean campaign and being an honest progressive. He was cheated so I have no ill words for his supporters. You can't expect to just get straight up cheated like that and I'm honestly in shock at the sheer brazen crookedness of the Democrats.


Well-Known Member
look at the history of the democrats. the Republicans were founded by Abraham Lincoln after democratic republic split. The first democrat president was Andrew Jackson. an alcoholic with kids from multiple slaves. The kkk was founded by democrat delagates. Segregation was instituted by Woodrow Wilson a Democrat. Planned parent hood was founded to control segregation by Margaret Sanger a Democrat Let's skip ahead to the Clinton's who embezzled hundreds of millions through the Clinton foundation. white water bengazi the dnc email leaks and so on

The dnc is a party of thieves, extortionists and racists.
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Well-Known Member
you'll settle down and things will be alright. you'll see.
Just pretend like she didn't steal the presidency? She will be protested harder than any president in history until she gets impeached like her husband for what ever infraction can be found and this time I think they'll have more dirt than just a bj from an intern. That's if she makes it four years to try to steal another election.


Well-Known Member
Just pretend like she didn't steal the presidency? She will be protested harder than any president in history until she gets impeached like her husband for what ever infraction can be found and this time I think they'll have more dirt than just a bj from an intern. That's if she makes it four years to try to steal another election.

hillary took a breath. scandal.

hillary ate a meal. scandal.

hillary exists. scandal.

lose your head somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
look at the history of the democrats. the Republicans were founded by Abraham Lincoln after democratic republic split. The first democrat president was Andrew Jackson. an alcoholic with kids from multiple slaves. The kkk was founded by democrat delagates. Segregation was instituted by Woodrow Wilson a Democrat. Planned parent hood was founded to control segregation by Margaret Sanger a Democrat Let's skip ahead to the Clinton's who embezzled hundreds of millions through the Clinton foundation. white water bengazi the dnc email leaks and so on

The dnc is a party of thieves, extortionists and racists.
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Well-Known Member
look at the history of the democrats. the Republicans were founded by Abraham Lincoln after democratic republic split. The first democrat president was Andrew Jackson. an alcoholic with kids from multiple slaves. The kkk was founded by democrat delagates. Segregation was instituted by Woodrow Wilson a Democrat. Planned parent hood was founded to control segregation by Margaret Sanger a Democrat Let's skip ahead to the Clinton's who embezzled hundreds of millions through the Clinton foundation. white water bengazi the dnc email leaks and so on

The dnc is a party of thieves, extortionists and racists.
Dude just stfu. You make hilldawg supporters sound sensible.


Well-Known Member
Well look, I guess I was correct not to trust Sanders after all. I only opposed him out of a visceral distrust of the DNC but in hindsight he really was running a clean campaign and being an honest progressive. He was cheated so I have no ill words for his supporters. You can't expect to just get straight up cheated like that and I'm honestly in shock at the sheer brazen crookedness of the Democrats.
It's time to take on the issue of economic inequity. Class warfare needs to begin in earnest. Motherfuckering profiteers have had it all their own way for far too long.


Well-Known Member
bernie got the use of a private plane in exchange for his endorsemnt. It was either that or meet is maker.

I only caught 25 minutes of the event tonight after the cubs beat the dogshit out of the Sox...Obama killed it..dude is an outstanding speaker..almost made me want to vote for Hillary... The camera panned to Bernie a few times, he didn't look happy or pleased.


Well-Known Member
I only caught 25 minutes of the event tonight after the cubs beat the dogshit out of the Sox...Obama killed it..dude is an outstanding speaker..almost made me want to vote for Hillary... The camera panned to Bernie a few times, he didn't look happy or pleased.
fuck you Corso! No spoilers! That is two nights in a row that I am going to know the outcome of a game I planned on watching later. I get like one Cub game a month.