First TIme Grower...please help


Active Member
I brought some good seeds from a well known seed bank. I have been trying to grow some Hawiian weed.
For some reason the plant does not stand up straight? I have attached a picture of my little plant and I am worried it won't grow. Got in on a 60W light and palnted in normal compost. I have also feed it plant food a few days ago.

Any help would be cool...

Steve (London UK)



Well-Known Member
Move the light closer. Put a fan on it.(lite breeze) Stop feeding it plant food/nutes.

Plant more seeds. If thats a male your screwed.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Looks like you need more light. It has stretched pretty good. If it keeps growing ok put it in a bigger pot so you can bury all the extra stem. It wont hurt the plant. Try a extra 100w cfl.


Well-Known Member
come on guys, this is an easy one to fix - the light i too far away from plant and not enough light for later in the grow.

assuming you;re using fluorescents you want the light within 6" of the plants. bury that baby so that only an inch is left showing and lower the lights.

you will need much more lighting within a couple of weeks. at least 150 actual watts of fluorescent.

everyone is right - read the stickies in each forum and the growfaq and it will save you much aggravation later


Well-Known Member
Um it looks like you got a lot of things wrong, first your plant is reaching for the light so it got too long, it can't hold up the leaves with such a long stem. Next you are using a 60 watt regular bulb? if so it isn't enough light for your plant and it get's way too hot for the leaves. you need a different light, even a shop light will do in a pinch but you keep the plant as close to the light source as possible without burning it. That way the leaves get nice and fat, you want a short little fatty. The next thing I see is your using tin foil get that outta there too. It makes hot spots and will concentrate the heat into a point and burn your plant.Even white paint makes better reflective light. I'm not real hot on the feeding it nutes yet either, it shouldn't need them a this age. right now sorry to say IMO it's a goner. Get the right stuff and try again.


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice. The light I am, using is a blue growers light, The guy I brought them off told me to use the blue one first and then the red one once it is in the flowering stage. Ok gonna move the light much closer and also get a fan. I hope that it is a female plant becuase the seeds cost me $5 each from a seed place in Amsterdam. I am also using an areogarden and got a few Lemon skunk and northern lights on the go.. Do I need to use pant of anything to reflect the light.?. some told me to use the foil but as you guys said not a good idea.. I will replant it tonight and move the light closer.. Thanks everyone.
Also is there any type of weed that is really easy to grow indoors? Cheers


Well-Known Member
lowryder, lowryder 2, top44. Those are just a few strains that are easy to grow indoors as they stay short and bushy to utilize all of your space efficiently.


Active Member
Hi growers. Just replanted the little dude into another pot and moved the light much closer.. It looks like the light is only 40W... is that not warm enough for this to grow? also how much light should I give the little dude (female I hope)?




Well-Known Member
oi oi steve mate, looks better now youve buried that stem, id invest in some better lighting + extraction if i were you, thats why your seedling is stretching out so much, that light will be ok for a bit but youl need something a bit more powerfull like an envirolite if you want any decent yeild GroWell > Hydroponics, Grow Lights, Grow Rooms & Plant Lighting is a good place to start looking at lights and they have a shop in london too that i use if you dont wanna order online, what soil you got it in mate?


Active Member
Hey, I got a bag of organic soil from the local garden centre.. and some plant feed called is plant food clusters that you bury in the soil.. So what light should I have 100W? cheers, also mate I take I need a fan as well? how long does the fan and light need to be on for?


Well-Known Member
on that link above 125w ecolight blue spectrum lamp(for veg) + ecolight reflector kit £37.99, 125w red spectrum ecolight lamp(for flower) £19.99. bio bizz grow fert £10. bio bizz bloom fert £10 light 2" from the tops with a light breeze from a fan. household timer £5ish from b&q westlands west+ multi purpose compost with added john innes(its top stuff) £6 from b&q homebase etc thats the very basics. youll also need an extractor when your in flower and need to keep growroom door closed for darkness.


Well-Known Member
Whoa there dude! Back that light off a bit and take off the reflector immediately you may have just killed your seedling.

It's a little too close now, and the reflector will just hold the heat in a cook it. Don't use a reflector with a CFL it's pointless, all it reflects that's useable is heat.

Don't use any plant food at all until that thing is much much much bigger. Weeks from now...

$5 a seed is a bargain though, worth learning what not to do.

The little CFL you have is good for about 2 weeks growth, but as it gets bigger you can add the scond light you got the red spectrum one and run both, it's still better than just the blue alone.
You've got a couple weeks to research lights if that seedling survives so before you run out and buy the first light someone suggested I say first think about how much weed you want to grow and how big you want the plants to end up. An envirolight is ok but it's certainly not the best light you can get, or the cheapest, or ideal for large plants. Take some time to look at the faq and also look at what other people are using by going over some grow journals.

There is a CFL forum under indoor where you can see what's possible with more of the same lights you have, or you can look at bigger indoor grows using HID lights and then decide...

Some folks grow all they need forever with just five of those bulbs you have... Others grow pounds and those bulbs wouldn't do any good at all for that.


Active Member
Wow thanks for all the info.. I am going to do what you suggested now and take the reflector off.. I will try and put the light up a bit higher.. hope the little dude still survives,, it has been through hell already.. Thanks again mate..


Active Member
hey mate.. just changed the light like you suggested. does it look ok now? or is it too high?

my light is only 20W.. cheers.

