Finished Bud Tastes Awful


Well-Known Member
Hey, y'all.

This has been bugging the shit out of me, so I thought that I would see if any of my RIU brethren had any ideas. My last grow, which was my first grow in a few years, has been dried and cured and is sitting in jars. I have tried smoking it in a paper, and even in a freshly cleaned pipe, and both times have found the taste disgusting. I know what good pot tastes like, and this isn't it.

It tastes like it has already been burned or something, like rolling a joint from old roaches. I don't understand how this can be. I flushed the shit out of the plants. I flushed both plants at seven weeks with a bunch of water, one was without food for two weeks, the other for nearly a month because the goddamned trichomes wouldn't turn, so it isn't a matter of not flushing enough. I was growing in Canna Coco, and I used only the base nutrients, Canna Coco A and B, to see how it went. The water I used was mostly RO with a bit of tap water, since it helped to buffer the water up a bit. Lots of people grow with tap water, so I also assume that is not the issue too.

I have come up with two hypotheses for this foul weed flavour. One is that I didn't use any extra supplements to increase terpene production in my pot, only the base nutrients. I used to grow in soil with organic nutrients and this is my first grow with this type of nutrient system. Perhaps this is what pot tastes like without all of the extra terpene scents?

My second hypotheses is that I contaminated the plants' tissues. I was using an old bottle of 85% phosphoric acid as a pH down solution and an old bottle of 45% potassium hydroxide as pH up solution. I think that I used the pH down solution the most. These bottles are several years old. Maybe pushing a decade; I'm not sure. I have now noticed that the cap liner for the bottle of phosphoric acid, which is coated in what appears to be some kind of metal foil, has had some of the metal foil dissolved off of it. I assume that that metal would end up in the phosphoric acid. Does that mean that it ended up in my plants? Could that have caused the taste?

The last plant that I grew a few years ago had the same problem and I assumed that I just hadn't flushed it properly. I had used the old pH adjustment chemicals for that grow too. Perhaps it is just a coincidence?

I am not using these old compounds on my current grow, so maybe time will tell, but I don't want to miss something and have it happen to my current grow too.
I tried a different strain by TH Seeds, Acorn. It smelled great during drying and curing but tasted like shit when all was done. It has to be the pheno/strain, I've grown good pot when I shouldn't have but this strain was crap.
@Alienwidow and @86Hemphill, I hung them to dry. It took about a week and a half or maybe a day or two more to get them dry, since they were in my basement. I put them in jars to cure, sealing them for a few days and then opening for a couple hours to breathe. I repeated this three or for times to cure them.
What time of day you chop makes a difference. Chop right before lights on after they have sat in the dark all night. Terpenes will be the highest then and starches in the root zone.

Some even extend the last dark period before chop. Try a 24-36 hour dark period before chop.

This may sound stupid but were the jars good and clean. Pot will pick odor and taste up. I ruined my first indoor grow with those scented wax things. The bud tasted like ass and apple/cinnamon. Don't run any kind of wax or chemical smell good products around the grow.

I also filter the incoming air to my grow. I don't want dust and hair getting on the buds.
@Alienwidow and @86Hemphill, I hung them to dry. It took about a week and a half or maybe a day or two more to get them dry, since they were in my basement. I put them in jars to cure, sealing them for a few days and then opening for a couple hours to breathe. I repeated this three or for times to cure them.

After re-reading your post could it be that the 1.5 week + a few days in a basement be the problem? Mold? Have you looked at it through a loop to see anything growing on the buds? You may also lose a lot of terpenes drying for so long? Do you have a hygrometer to check RH of the jar?
Probably genetics....some strains just dont have any flavor. Might smell good and look good, but transferring that flavor to the smoke is what helps make a keeper. Part of the trial and tribulations of growing your own cannabis. You could try running a known clone-only variety next time if you have access, that way if the harvest smokes bad you know its grower error and not the strains fault.
Thanks, all, for your comments and suggestions. I am going to try adding a hygrometer to the jar to see what it's like. It seems dry enough, but maybe it isn't. In the future I will get it to dry a bit quicker.

Perhaps it was genetics? It is Tangerine Dream from Barney's Farm. I have heard shitty things about this strain.

I had myself convinced that I had somehow contaminated the plants with aluminum dissolved in the old pH down solution!
@Alienwidow and @86Hemphill, I hung them to dry. It took about a week and a half or maybe a day or two more to get them dry, since they were in my basement. I put them in jars to cure, sealing them for a few days and then opening for a couple hours to breathe. I repeated this three or for times to cure them.

if they were still too wet when you put them into jars and waited a few days to burp them, you could very possibly have gotten mold on them by waiting to long and they got too wet and grew mold..
i'd check them under a microscope
if they were still too wet when you put them into jars and waited a few days to burp them, you could very possibly have gotten mold on them by waiting to long and they got too wet and grew mold..
i'd check them under a microscope
I think that were dry enough--the large stems snapped easily, but I am going to take a look with a loupe and see what I see. I will also pop a hygrometer into the jar and see what it says.
