No smell 3 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
Supposedly silver haze strain......found a couple seeds in a bag of nuggets, 3 weeks into light change but no smell as of yet from the flowers. Another I planted had oder in early veg so wtf man?
likely no smell because they are happy and healthy....the smell increases with stress, so you must be dialed in correctly

no worries


Well-Known Member
They will stink. 3 weeks isn't that long. Once they are half way or so, they will reek. Mine smell at week 5 just from a fan blowing on them.
As far as stress causing smell, that can be true as well. But in flower, make sure conditions are dialed in. If so, any smell you get is regular.
Don't worry though if they stink while flowering. It's weed. Weed stinks.


They will stink. 3 weeks isn't that long. Once they are half way or so, they will reek. Mine smell at week 5 just from a fan blowing on them.
As far as stress causing smell, that can be true as well. But in flower, make sure conditions are dialed in. If so, any smell you get is regular.
Don't worry though if they stink while flowering. It's weed. Weed stinks.
Thanks G


Well-Known Member
I don't normally start getting smells off them until week 4/5 and even then have to stick my nose right by the buds, no worries.


Well-Known Member
Don't stress about it. The plant I'm growing now didn't stink at all until the final phase of flowering. Now it's the stinkiest plant I have ever had in my garden

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Strain is a big factor, and as others already mentioned, stress increases the stink. I recently gave my girls a PK boost and the smell went off the chart. It had 4% sulfur, which may be the key. Not sure...


Well-Known Member
I found this helpful:

"you could vent your air outside the highest point possible maybe a roof vent and make sure the exaust is greater than the incoming air and you should have no problems might not even need a filter and grow what ever strain you want just an idea "


Well-Known Member
No mine dont have an excessive grass or none I used to much N smell. Smell is dank


Well-Known Member
Your girl's gonna start stinkin pretty soon, I'd bet. All good things come in time. In the meantime, try doing a stem rub and then smell your finger.
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