Newbie grower.. need help

Nashy Red

Dear fellow growers and pros,

Im a newbie grower out in north africa in intense heat. Im growing outdoor a bagseed. I have been using a HY PRO spray mix as food. I bought this from europe as where I live we do not have much options. The weather has been above 33 degrees Celsius.

My plant droops lately during the day and then slowly starts to perk up again during the evening. What am I doing wrong? I feed it everytime the soil gets dry.

It has yellowing leaves also on the bottom.

Im in a primitive area with little resources.. any help on wtf to do?


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Id give it a bigger pot. Roots equal fruits. Stuff it in the ground in nice loose garden mix soil with some peat added to it. Shell probably triple in size though so i hope you have the room. Roots equal fruits.
Im unable to move it directly to the ground, this secluded balcony is on the place that is "safe." Is the yellowing and drooping due to the pot size?? Thanks for the help.
And you probably should either pot up or put it in the ground. Primitive? Look up compost teas. You obviously get internet, what about ordering some actual nutes?
Actually, you're partially right. The green comes from nitrogen binding with phosphorus, magnesium, etc. The issue is that P, K, and Mg are extremely mobile and easily leached from the pot, so when you overwater, you are washing it away, and in turn, the nitrogen can't bind to it to produce chlorophyll. You are definitely on the right track.
Actually, you're partially right. The green comes from nitrogen binding with phosphorus, magnesium, etc. The issue is that P, K, and Mg are extremely mobile and easily leached from the pot, so when you overwater, you are washing it away, and in turn, the nitrogen can't bind to it to produce chlorophyll. You are definitely on the right track.
Was this for me or them?
Don't over feed!! Monitor the watering and if that is a clay pot (which I suspect) get it out of that into a 7 or 10 gallon smart pot or other container with drainage.Also, the plant needs some airflow, it that corner especially in a warm climate, it needs a breeze if one exists. What are your root temps? Clay not only sucks up water, it retains heat, roots dont like it to hot and if it is 33c and above, they may be cooking too. If it were mine, I would get it in a 10 gallon (maybe even bigger depending on your expectations and area), dig a hole and drop the pot in it, this will help keep the roots a bit cooler. Direct ground works too, I just happen to put mine in pots in holes.

Light reading for your entertainment:

Good luck and happy growing.
Actually, you're partially right. The green comes from nitrogen binding with phosphorus, magnesium, etc. The issue is that P, K, and Mg are extremely mobile and easily leached from the pot, so when you overwater, you are washing it away, and in turn, the nitrogen can't bind to it to produce chlorophyll. You are definitely on the right track.

So i found a ghetto looking nutrient called super nutrition. It says it has N.P.K but it does not say in what quantity. Directions say to add half a spoon to a gallon of water if directly in soil. To use quarter of a spoon if folliar feeding. I also bought a big ole sack of composte. What shall I do?


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