The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
Barack Obama said:
You’ve got to admit it though. Hillary trying to appeal to young voters, is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for Facebook… "Dear America, did you get my poke? Is it appearing on your wall? I’m not sure I’m using this right"


Well-Known Member
Now who would have predicted this?

Hillary Clinton Pledges Constitutional Amendment To Overturn Citizens United In Her First 30 Days

Hillary Clinton announced on Saturday that she would introduce a constitutional amendment within the first 30 days of her presidency to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, which paved the way for unlimited corporate, union and individual spending on elections.


Well-Known Member
Now who would have predicted this?

Hillary Clinton Pledges Constitutional Amendment To Overturn Citizens United In Her First 30 Days

Hillary Clinton announced on Saturday that she would introduce a constitutional amendment within the first 30 days of her presidency to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, which paved the way for unlimited corporate, union and individual spending on elections.
...And if she doesn't? What recourse do We the People actually have?


Well-Known Member
...And if she doesn't? What recourse do We the People actually have?
She has clearly said all along that she was against the citizens united ruling. She is for campaign finance reform. There is absolutely zero reason to expect her to NOT nominate a supreme court justice who feels the same.
Why is it so fucking hard for you bernie babies to see this?
Obama had much small time pledges for his campaign, just as Bernie and Hillary does. So Wtf?


Well-Known Member
...And if she doesn't? What recourse do We the People actually have?
I'll give you this to beat me about the head and shoulders with if she doesn't. I say she wouldn't make this statement if she didn't intend to sponsor this amendment. Just for a moment, suspend disbelief and tell me what if she does?

Getting it past Congress is no sure bet. Who are your congressmen? Do you think they will pass it? Oregon's 4 Democrats of 5 congressmen will pass it. My guess.

How about we bet on this. If she does sponsor this amendment within 30 days after taking office, you cannot say one bad thing about Hillary for 30 days. Do you want to propose something that I would have to do if I lose?


Well-Known Member
I'll give you this to beat me about the head and shoulders with if she doesn't. I say she wouldn't make this statement if she didn't intend to sponsor this amendment. Just for a moment, suspend disbelief and tell me what if she does?

Getting it past Congress is no sure bet. Who are your congressmen? Do you think they will pass it? Oregon's 3 Democrats of 4 congressmen will pass it. My guess.

How about we bet on this. If she does sponsor this amendment within 30 days after taking office, you cannot say one bad thing about Hillary for 30 days. Do you want to propose something that I would have to do if I lose?


Well-Known Member
So fucking sad that when all the GOP has been doing to bring down the Clintons has actually worked, even with some of the dems/lefties on here. Boggles my mind.
Is there really a polititician that is better, or more qualified than Hillary right now. Btw, Hillary hasn't always been a politician you bernie bitches. So wtf?
Prove to me that your write in vote for Bernie, or your vote for Stein is actually going to fucking help not get Trump elected.
Prove it pretzel boys/gals!
Love you! Good night:-)

#prove it


Well-Known Member
I'll give you this to beat me about the head and shoulders with if she doesn't. I say she wouldn't make this statement if she didn't intend to sponsor this amendment. Just for a moment, suspend disbelief and tell me what if she does?

Getting it past Congress is no sure bet. Who are your congressmen? Do you think they will pass it? Oregon's 4 Democrats of 5 congressmen will pass it. My guess.

How about we bet on this. If she does sponsor this amendment within 30 days after taking office, you cannot say one bad thing about Hillary for 30 days. Do you want to propose something that I would have to do if I lose?
I'm not about jr high school bets about things over which I have no control.

I'd be thrilled to see her do it, thirty days or not. I'd be even more thrilled to see it pass.

I'm just not expecting it to happen.


Well-Known Member
Fuck you, and your high horse.
Prove she isn't a corrupt politician.
You can't.
When one person chooses not to vote for Hillary or trump, they don't help or hurt either one of them. That woman will never get my vote, I owe her nothing.
Settle for Hillary? Nope.
I'll vote the way I want instead.
Oh yeah dude! Your post just totally did it for me tonight. Thx man!
Funny shit


You mad bro?


Well-Known Member
I'm not about jr high school bets about things over which I have no control.

I'd be thrilled to see her do it, thirty days or not. I'd be even more thrilled to see it pass.

I'm just not expecting it to happen.
come on man, you basically called me out and said she wasn't going to do it. I could have come back with something just as serious. I was trying to make it a little fun. I just wish you'd lighten up a little bit.

I think she's going to submit the request to Congress (Congress has to do the heavy lifting). After that, it's up to Congress. What I want to know is what's your read on CO's delegation. Do you think they would support this amendment or is your state one of the ones that will block it.?


Well-Known Member
I think the only way that i could prove that your post made me lmao hella good enough to sign off tonight, would be to sign off of here.
Not so sure i'm done yet;-)
Are you sure Hillary Clinton is actually a good choice for this country? Can you list reasons why, other than the fact she's not trump? Hillary and her trolls.
And it's fitting you have busey as your pic, you must be nuts to think she's good stuff.


Well-Known Member
come on man, you basically called me out and said she wasn't going to do it. I could have come back with something just as serious. I was trying to make it a little fun. I just wish you'd lighten up a little bit.

I think she's going to submit the request to Congress (Congress has to do the heavy lifting). After that, it's up to Congress. What I want to know is what's your read on CO's delegation. Do you think they would support this amendment or is your state one of the ones that will block it.?
Colorado is a purple state and that along with several other demographic factors tends to make this state a bellwether for the mood of the country. I just don't know how to answer your question. Perhaps @UncleBuck has a better read on Colorado's current delegation.
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