Too hot


Active Member
I have a tent 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m in roughly a 7ft by 6ft room. Im running a 600w hps with a 1868m3/h rhino extractor, oscolating fan and intake. I cant seem to keep the heat below 30° its generally around 33-35°. Anyone have any suggestions please?

Bubba's girl

Well-Known Member
What are the temps of the room you have the tent in?

Are venting out into that small 7 x 6 room?

Can you move to a bigger room? If not, can you find a way to cool that room?


Well-Known Member
Ok I guess using Celsius you will be looking at 1 or 2 degrees above ambient temperature around the tent if done correctly. You don't have an intake fan with a tent it isn't going to disburse very well you need to do all exhaust at the top pulling cool air in passively from below.


Active Member
The temp of the room is usualy about 22° the window is open with the extractor going...i have an intake


Well-Known Member
My tent is always in the mid 90's and no hotter than 100. As you can see in the pics below I have a fan blowing directly on her, on high right under a 400 watt hps and a 475-625 cfm exhast fan up top blowing excess heated air out and the girl (og cheese) is doing awesome!

This girl is growing in my garage and other than leaving the side yard door open and the car doors cracked, there's no cooling options, but again, she's doing fine.

There has been a white grasshopper little bitch in there pissing on my leaves and eating em (problem with cracked garage door Is letting critters in) but other than that she's doing ok.

20160706_114705.jpg these are the same shot, one without filter (interference shot) and the other with sunglasses held in front of the lense...


20160705_190438.jpg This is a lower branch I pollinated. Took last night at lights out. Look at the frosty goodness, 16 days in flower, 40-ish left . . .


Well-Known Member
Cant afford one of them
Could try running the vent tubing that's exhausting out the rhino extractor right up next to the reflector, so it's sucking the hot air out from the bulbs more directly.

Pics of the tent would help, but generally u use a good intake or two at the bottom of the tent, then a fan near the base of the tent pushing the air up towards the exhaust at the top of the tent. Heat's a bitch, and 600's kick out a lot of it :(


Well-Known Member
Sealed hood or lights at night. 77F ambient is a bit hot, will probably settle around 85f with a sealed hood, 90+ without. Pulling directly from an outside window helps too, especially at night but use filters or bugs can pass through the screen


Active Member
Could try running the vent tubing that's exhausting out the rhino extractor right up next to the reflector, so it's sucking the hot air out from the bulbs more directly.

Pics of the tent would help, but generally u use a good intake or two at the bottom of the tent, then a fan near the base of the tent pushing the air up towards the exhaust at the top of the tent. Heat's a bitch, and 600's kick out a lot of it :(
Ill try that ☺


Well-Known Member
Didnt make a differene
Then your kinda stuck getting a cooled hood or tube, that plus what SPLFreak mentioned, run the lights at night / off during the day or the hottest hours.

You could try using silicon and CO2, both will help with higher temps but they aren't free either. That and keeping the roots cool can help a bit too


Well-Known Member
I using a co2 bag but i dont know if its working
If you're in a dry climate you could try buying or building a Evaporative cooler / swamp cooler.

But it would probably be cheaper to pick up a $40 cooltube or cheap cooled hood. They're kind of a must have for tents + HID. It's either that or a decent AC running all out while the lights are on.

I should have clarified @ the CO2, my bad, I was half asleep when I posted that.
The CO2 from that bag is prolly just blowing out rhino. CO2 can raise the temp limits by a lot, but it needs a sealed environment and you need a lot of it. It would take many of those bags, like a lot.


Active Member
The light was just off so i could change back to the origional reflector and its already back up to around 93° and rising. Yesterday i got in from work around 6:30 am and it was 111.2