The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
I'd like to see Hillary select as her running mate Al Franken. With a Democrat majority in both Congress and the Senate we can finally make some progress in this Country, just like we've done in California.

Then after She burns out, Al will be elected President for the next 2 terms, with Elizabeth Warren as his VP.

Then Elizabeth can take over as President.



Well-Known Member
I'd like to see Hillary select as her running mate Al Franken. With a Democrat majority in both Congress and the Senate we can finally make some progress in this Country, just like we've done in California.

Then after She burns out, Al will be elected President for the next 2 terms, with Elizabeth Warren as his VP.

Then Elizabeth can take over as President.

I could live with that.


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, check out how insanely heterosexual desert dude is! he's definitely not overcompensating at all.


Well-Known Member
Like I said..whoever supports this deserves whatever fallout they get from her if she becomes president..and I'm going to stalk every Clinton voter on this site to remind them as soon as they start complaining..starting with the diehards @UncleBuck @Fogdog @londonfog and my favorite whiners of all time @chesus rice and @bearkat42.

Was cheesy banned? He no longer comes up in address book?

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