Out of jail, off the no fly list & passports returned


Well-Known Member
Hello guys , instead of answering my PM's 1 at a time its easier for me to post a thread with all the where to's , what not's & there for's lol .

For those that give a shit our entire family made it out of sryia via turkey and are in america now with us and are safe as milk with no more threats of deportation/investigation from ICE , immigration , the FBI or German intelligence, my brother in law is out of ICE custody & his ankle bracelet tracking device is taken off , as is my tracking device , my nieces & nephews are enrolled in school & REALLY ENJOYING everything about america , for those who wished me & my family dead all I can say is it must be sad to be such rotten human beings .

A lot of the trouble I got us in to I brought on us unintentionally , our main issues with ICE , the FBI & Customs are as follows , I sent my brother in law $30,000 USD to pay for our private security & that put us on the watch list , out of that money $22,000 was paid to the private security contractor , another watch list action , the rest was used to purchase the 5 ton panel van we loaded with food and hid myself & the women inside for most of the trip to the Turkish border refugee camps, from where we later crossed into Turkey , the amount of money sent as well as the purchase of that type vehicle which could be used as a mobile artillery platform , and the gross tons of bulk food purchased put the FBI on us every step of the way , my brother in-law being peshmerga only made matters worse .

Fuck up #2 was filling out paperwork with immigration , we did not list my brother in-law as a recent combatant in the conflict with Isis , which the FBI already knew who he was , where he fought , who he fought with etc ,the fuck up with immigration are endless & 90% my fault , but not intentionally as the judge ruled later .

Our next nightmare & when we were arrested was with customs , prior to leaving I rented 2 shipping containers for all my wife's family's possessions to be shipped stateside so they wouldn't lose all connection with their lives , some items my wife remembered having as a child & her mother remembered having as a child , all of the furniture was made in country's the US had economic sanctions against & we didn't declare , we also had huge problems with the value I listed of 4 Persian rugs we packed & shipped , again more contraband from a sanctioned origin , the real kicker was what my wife thought was a decorative hand blown glass ornamental jug that my mother in-law hung in her kitchen for years , nobody in the family could ever remember my mother in-law using the contents & thought it was decoration , well customs opened the jug & determined it contained just over 3 lbs of saffron spice worth between $20,000 to $25,000 which we didn't declare , who the fuck would a known that shit because we never dreamed it , the drug dog hit on one of our shipping containers and all we could figure out was that we had took several breaks while loading to have some coffee & smoke some opium and one of us dropped a rasin while loading the pipe , no weigh-able drugs were found but to keep from getting my mother in-laws hand made sofa & chairs ton apart searching for drugs I admitted to smoking hash while loading the container , that's when the hand cuffs came out & away we went , my sister in-law was released to my wife's custody as were the nieces & nephews , I was released after a week with a tracking device while both our homes were seized as well as ALL our assets , our children had to pay our living costs as well as all legal fees , my brother in-law was kept at the ICE detention center & denied any and all visitors including legal counsel for 45 days , at that point our lawyers got him released into our custody with my son putting his self storage businesses up as security because of the supposed flight risk .

My wife & I were set with enough liquid assets where with our onsiins we didn't have to worry about money for the rest of our lives , after legal fees , fines and massive penalties we are for the 1st time in 40 years having financial trouble , our homes are paid for but if I kick off before my wife my pension stops and she won't be able to pay her huge medical bills or property taxes on her $3,100 a month pension , so at 65 years old next month I've had to go back to work at about half my former salary until we can sell off a dozen of our rental homes and build our savings back up where my wife will have enough for proper medical care & taxes in case I go 1st .

Anyhow the important thing is that everybody is now in the USA for good and 100% legal and safe , watching that family & our nieces & nephews thrive here in america was worth every nickle it cost us , my son gave them his nicest rental home in Fenton Michigan ( upscale area ) on the lake & they all are happy with their new lives , my brother in-law is training to get his license in real estate so he can start flipping foreclosures with what little we can bankroll him right now , which will be enough to live on & grab up a mid level foreclosure then work his way up to the high end rentals my son & I flip .

I'm busy as a mother fucker commuting the hour drive each way to their home 3 or 4 times a week , taking care of my wife's medical needs and trying to get back in the swing of working 50 hours a week after being retired 4 years , I'll touch base when I get free time but I'm out of jail , off probation tracking device home arrest and will be back at RIU as time allows .

Hope all has been well for all the good people here .


Well-Known Member
PS I need help , somebody please correct the title of this thread as I haven't had mod cp access in a while and can't do it myself , it should read Passports returned instead of lasports whatever the fuck that word is lol .


Well-Known Member
you brought muslim refugee terrorists into our country and made us unsafe?

reported as terrorist.
Still the resident head troll I see , cept now your creeping the entire forum instead of just the Looney bin , I'm too fucking tired to play games with a kid who spends 18 hours a day trolling the fuck out of this place so I'll make it easy on you rollie , if you plan on trolling the fuck out of me to get your jollies then say so now before I even bother , you've ran off thousands here at RIU and you can add me to the list just say the word because I'm way to mother fucking tired to play games with the resident troll on my 3rd god damm minute back on site .


Well-Known Member
Still the resident head troll I see , cept now your creeping the entire forum instead of just the Looney bin , I'm too fucking tired to play games with a kid who spends 18 hours a day trolling the fuck out of this place so I'll make it easy on you rollie , if you plan on trolling the fuck out of me to get your jollies then say so now before I even bother , you've ran off thousands here at RIU and you can add me to the list just say the word because I'm way to mother fucking tired to play games with the resident troll on my 3rd god damm minute back on site .
"terrorist attack in michigan" is a headline we can now look forward to thanks to you sneaking muslim refugee terrorists into our once great nation.

TRUMP 2016


Staff member
How are the immigrants you brought over instantly 100% legal
Immigration takes forever

Sounds like a lot of your story could've been avoided by following proper procedures and laws

I don't get why people take the chance

Never the less glad you're safe :)


Well-Known Member
How are the immigrants you brought over instantly 100% legal
Immigration takes forever

Sounds like a lot of your story could've been avoided by following proper procedures and laws

I don't get why people take the chance

Never the less glad you're safe :)
Oh I'm not passing the Buck , 90% of everything bad was my fault from jump street , and "legal " means emergency work visas while awaiting citizenship , were not out of the woods yet but were getting there , as long as a refugee can prove point of origin & has an american sponsor getting in the USA is a simple pimple .


Staff member
Oh I'm not passing the Buck , 90% of everything bad was my fault from jump street , and "legal " means emergency work visas while awaiting citizenship , were not out of the woods yet but were getting there , as long as a refugee can prove point of origin & has an american sponsor getting in the USA is a simple pimple .
Ya I see I was like no way they are 100% legal right now if I'm not
Lol immigration is a damn pain in the ass
They take forever


Well-Known Member
How are the immigrants you brought over instantly 100% legal
Immigration takes forever

Sounds like a lot of your story could've been avoided by following proper procedures and laws

I don't get why people take the chance

Never the less glad you're safe :)
How ya been Sunni ? I thought you were going in the military , did that happen or am I having Geritol flashbacks ?


Well-Known Member
Ya I see I was like no way they are 100% legal right now if I'm not
Lol immigration is a damn pain in the ass
They take forever
No your legal , just not a citizen yet , as long as you attend all hearings you will get citizenship .


Staff member
No your legal , just not a citizen yet , as long as you attend all hearings you will get citizenship .
I'm doing it a bit different I'm doing an adjustment of status I'll end up with dual citizenship bit different than full on citizenship

I don't have to take a test or do any hearings but that could be due to whom I'm married to


Well-Known Member
Lol awe hell nah I'm too peaceful for that shit
My husband is military I think someone joked on here I was joining the navy lol
I'm doing good were getting ready to move here in the next few days from Alaska
I knew military had something to do with it , I wonder if pink Floyd is still up in Alaska , can't remember his name but he was a mod way back when I was & he had that avatar of Floyd the barber , last I knew he was having a bad way in Alaska .


Staff member
I knew military had something to do with it , I wonder if pink Floyd is still up in Alaska , can't remember his name but he was a mod way back when I was & he had that avatar of Floyd the barber , last I knew he was having a bad way in Alaska .
No he's not I think he said he's mid west now ?
Although I did get to hangout with @GreatwhiteNorth :)