desert dude
Well-Known Member
The supreme court rules that corporations are people and money is free speech. This is the law until the law is changed. The law based upon a really dumb interpretation by the right wing supreme court ruling will be overturned and Congress will pass legislation that makes it permanent. Until then, the GOP can eat sour grapes while they watch Democrats run them over using their own stupid court ruling.
A gang of men who were all hat and no cattle like Desert Dude, came armed and occupied a National Wildlife Sanctuary near my home. They tried to enforce their weird and narrow interpretation of the constitution. Menaced a community and looked like fools. One committed suicide by cop. Isn't now going well for the rest of them.
So to reply your statement, I don't believe in just ignoring the law or using arms to enforce my interpretation of it. I don't think the current laws supporting money as free speech or corporations as people are good laws. I support working within the system to make it better.
How do you reconcile Hillary's vast expenditures with your claim that money is not free speech?
Corporations have been "people" for hundreds of years. People get to decide how to spend their money, and what political causes to support, even when they band together into a union.