Whew.... law usable 2.5 oz defined as Dried.

"2-3 plants equal 2.5 oz????"

Who said I need 2.5 oz of usable cannabis at any given time.

"For me I basically figure I can cycle grow 2-3 female plants total at all times and have plenty."

Ok 2-3 maybe 4 plants about 3 or so weeks a grow another one and harvest one.

These would be auto's right now because I do not have the space or gear set up to grow 12/12 plants and a Vegging area.

Recent court ruled 4 days and it's dry.. no fancy "usuable" will work.. we don't make that call our enemies do

They ruled 4 days with a drying machine yup....that is why my plan includes the drying and curing as part of the usable.

So anyhow I am growing auto's all the same from seed and I can fit 4 into the area I have and have enough room for 3 gallon pots. I would start them and plant them into 3 gallon pots from the beginning staggered about 3 weeks apart.

Initially starting off with 2 plants and on the 6th week plant 1 more, 9th week plant 1 more, 12th week harvest one plant 1 more.

1 new plant
2 3 weeks
3 6 weeks
4 9 weeks
12 weeks Harvest & cure 1 plant. I think it can be done.

Are you telling me it's going to take more than 1 plant every 3 weeks to help with pain?
I think with this schedule I can have .5-1 oz at all times as usable.

I realize each person is different and needs different amounts to cure or treat them and yes if I could I would grow 50 plants and harvest them and condense them down, but the law only allows me X this or X that.....SO I have to deal with what I have available until two things happen.

The Laws change in my favor or I move some where else where the laws are more in my favor.

I have already considered moving and that may actually happen next year I just need something right now for pain and to sleep without having to take what the doctors feed me, because those pills make me deathly sick. So I have to plan and deal with the hand I am dealt atm.

Last thing I raised and breed Fancy Guppies in 10 tanks for years I am sure I can manage to grow some plants and have things timed out to get what I need. This is all just a starting guideline and I will keep track of everything.

I mean we can all go nancy negative and say they arrest me the first week and I spend months dealing with the law and judges for a first offense. In which case I move out of the state forever as soon as it's done and go else where.

Honestly if you really need more than 2.5 oz to get the medicine needed I would move right now.
Your fine with some pain relief and sleep problems but what about the really sick people that require 1 gram of oil a day. Average strain produces 3 to 5 grams of oil per oz,2.5 ozs is around 8 to 13 grams of oil. The laws were written as if no sick people would use it and written to lock up drug seeking high ons. Not only is 2.5 ozs inadequate but concentrates being illegal is obscene seeing as it's medical marijuana and not recreational. Not everyone is capable of just picking up and moving or even has the money to pay for this stuff,that's why you can grow for yourself. The people voted it in and the politicians corrupted it by creating the rules the way they did,and this was no accident.
Your fine with some pain relief and sleep problems but what about the really sick people that require 1 gram of oil a day. Average strain produces 3 to 5 grams of oil per oz,2.5 ozs is around 8 to 13 grams of oil. The laws were written as if no sick people would use it and written to lock up drug seeking high ons. Not only is 2.5 ozs inadequate but concentrates being illegal is obscene seeing as it's medical marijuana and not recreational. Not everyone is capable of just picking up and moving or even has the money to pay for this stuff,that's why you can grow for yourself. The people voted it in and the politicians corrupted it by creating the rules the way they did,and this was no accident.

Well they did the right thing in michigan 2008 and then got what I call Fox News Muslim President Syndrome.....like a lot of states did after the health care act was passed and stuffed in republican governors, congressmen, house and senate members...Plus the people who voted in the 2008 election forgot that you have to show up every time there is a vote to make sure your voice is always heard.

Hopefully enough people wake up this year and change things by actually going to the polls and voting in people who support the laws as a patients rights.
Not to sound ignorant but how sick or how much pain do you need to be in to take in a gram of oil a day? I make oil and put no more than two or three rice size pieces on my tongue and I'm so fucked up. I couldn't function as an adult, husband or most importantly a father if I was ingesting 1/4oz or more of concentrated pot per day.

EDIT: I'm not judging. I'm just saying you must be in serious pain and have top tier tolerance to ingest that much THC.
Not to sound ignorant but how sick or how much pain do you need to be in to take in a gram of oil a day? I make oil and put no more than two or three rice size pieces on my tongue and I'm so fucked up. I couldn't function as an adult, husband or most importantly a father if I was ingesting 1/4oz or more of concentrated pot per day.

EDIT: I'm not judging. I'm just saying you must be in serious pain and have top tier tolerance to ingest that much THC.
Yes u are un-informed..
To cure cancer u need large doses of rso type oil over a 3-6 month period. The last period is a gram a day..

OP? Nancy Negative?? Oh Really?? Go back n read a few years of my posts u will see this is me being a good gurl.....
Stage 4 cancer was my chosen mission until lil'bill Shuettee n his minions came to power.... now me n mine are doing everything we can to change the reality here in michigan....
Keep thinkin everything is fine.. Hun
Yes u are un-informed..
To cure cancer u need large doses of rso type oil over a 3-6 month period. The last period is a gram a day..

OP? Nancy Negative?? Oh Really?? Go back n read a few years of my posts u will see this is me being a good gurl.....
Stage 4 cancer was my chosen mission until lil'bill Shuettee n his minions came to power.... now me n mine are doing everything we can to change the reality here in michigan....
Keep thinkin everything is fine.. Hun

Already went through the stage 4 cancer scare and 3 operations, removing tumor, lymph nodes etc..., now dealing with PAD and POAD at the same time arteries severely clogged from the kidneys down.....one artery going to my brain disappeared.....mild stroke about 2 years ago....can't walk 200-300 feet without severe pain staring and progressing until it takes me down from lack of oxygen and blood to the legs,hips,feet, then the legs down go numb but still hurt/burn and turn white and you fall down........Let's not even get into trying to lay down and go to sleep.....or bending over...etc...pain? lmao! :D that's my middle name.

Yeah I know how it is to be sick....it's not fun............... Deary.

I'll be 50 this year and a walking time bomb....poof can go at any minute.

At any rate......Like I said if michigan has an issue with me using the laws they passed I will be moving. As should any one else who really needs this medicine now and can't get it. I don't have the money to move on disability we are thousands in debt, but that won't matter one bit. We'll find a way.

Fighting? lol I don't have to time to vote out all these republicans the stupid people of michigan put in. The people who should be voting don't show up and this state needs every democrat it can get to the polls every year.
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"Don't have the time to vote"

Enough said

I vote every year..... Sweety.......the problem is the rest of the yahoo's don't show up.

I'll be dead before this state is fixed and why I don't have time to fix this cluster fuck.

I would rather go elsewhere where the people show up with better laws.

So just stop the trolling ok? ;)

Have a nice day I have to go drop off some packages.
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Stop Trollin ?? Lol.....I live under a bridge.
How about using you to make a point ??
How about instead of running to some other state an hoping those yahoo's do better you make your vote count??
83 of 83 Prosecutors are up for re-election.
no strait party tickets to get them on coattails..
re-elect nobody....the next batch may want to keep their jobs
Stop Trollin ?? Lol.....I live under a bridge.
How about using you to make a point ??
How about instead of running to some other state an hoping those yahoo's do better you make your vote count??
83 of 83 Prosecutors are up for re-election.
no strait party tickets to get them on coattails..
re-elect nobody....the next batch may want to keep their jobs

How bout Ignore you :) I don't have time like I said..If you have the time of life left and energy knock yourself out. This Cat is leaving this State next year period and you can fix Michigan how ever you want it. I will vote again this year as normal and if they dont have the good law on the ballot or it doesn't pass tough break for the people of michigan. They should not have acted STUPID and rushed in a bunch of Republicans after Obama won.

Have a Nice life. o/
Wow ! Why so much hate in these forums ?? Be kind and help everyone that you can to a certain extent . Life will always be better! Michigan gave us medical marihuana :) and without it we would all still be buying off of someone in the hood who would probably have some mid grade for 40 or 50 a quarter.. You all have to remember those days unless you are in Cali .?? Life sucks ,but be happy with what you got cause it can be gone in 2 seconds . Look at the law they are passing in Ohio this month. You would be happy to be in Michigan . Ohio has pushed for .no growing ,and no smoking. 9 people decide who gets a card and it all has to be vaporized in a state made vape pen for 100 a piece?? Now that would suck !!! Much love ya'll stonironi
Wow ! Why so much hate in these forums ?? Be kind and help everyone that you can to a certain extent . Life will always be better! Michigan gave us medical marihuana :) and without it we would all still be buying off of someone in the hood who would probably have some mid grade for 40 or 50 a quarter.. You all have to remember those days unless you are in Cali .?? Life sucks ,but be happy with what you got cause it can be gone in 2 seconds . Look at the law they are passing in Ohio this month. You would be happy to be in Michigan . Ohio has pushed for .no growing ,and no smoking. 9 people decide who gets a card and it all has to be vaporized in a state made vape pen for 100 a piece?? Now that would suck !!! Much love ya'll stonironi

Michigan didn't give us shit,people got it on the ballot and the people voted it in,then the politicians did their best to screw it up. Ohio's mess was created by politicians and special interest groups and that's why it's so bad,there's a difference.
My question is once the medicine is drying and it's to the point of usability. What do you do with the rest of it? I mean no one is perfect and your bound to have a little over. Do you toss it out in the garbage? Can you give it away? I like to keep the nice top buds for the jars and to count as my amount but always have a little left. Can't even turn it into hash anymore. I need answers haha
Great point. Mark this shit down for your defense notes.
DITTO people....it's all just money/power lust folks....and here is a thought...even though Squish and shater and hash and all that are not permitted...........

they are VERY EASY to hide!!! even if they bring in dogs, worse case, those dogs are really rendered useless as they will smell that shit EV..RY..WHERE!!! those dogs will be going NUTS