More animal abuse from my neighbors

See, this is a big problem today and its not just with animals...people will turn a blind eye when someone is being beat up or mugged...but they won't forget to record the whole thing on their smart phones...I just hate anyone who is so cold hearted that they'll ignore someone else's suffering and "mind their own business".

What a lovely description of the internet generation! Hiding behind computer screens/anonymity breeds apathy!

Certainly wasn't this way even 20 years ago, but pay me no mind, for this is just the babbling of a mad old man...
What a lovely description of the internet generation! Hiding behind computer screens/anonymity breeds apathy!

Certainly wasn't this way even 20 years ago, but pay me no mind, for this is just the babbling of a mad old man...
U n me both friend....I won't go out to dinner any more with anyone who has in the past spent the entire time staring at a smart phone.
U n me both friend....I won't go out to dinner any more with anyone who has in the past spent the entire time staring at a smart phone.

Ironic that they are called "smart phones", eh, when they only seem to serve to make folks duller, more self-important, and reliant on tedious tech, heh.

If a true Orwellian dystopia is the order of the day, we are 3/4 of the way there already, sadly. :(
You ever walk the streets and actually pay attention to how many (mainly younger) folks are basically just bumbling around with their necks crooked, staring into tiny screens?
Did you know that there are actually treatment centers in place for (not making this up!) "device addiction"? Also, I'm calling it: Much like with the rash of tendonitis, or secretary's wrist cases over the past 20-30 years, in the coming future we are going to see nonsense conditions with names like 'iphone shoulder' and 'tablet neck strain', you mark my words.
Scarier still, when the inevitable happens and cell towers/service blacks out worldwide, what the hell are the deeply addicted folks gonna DO with themselves?? Shiiiiittttttt; they might actually have to return to - GASP - human interaction! :o
Confront him . my neighboors moving cause he lost his house and left his dog in backyard after leavingf for days.. after a couple days my wife went over there and no food and water and dog howling for the owner. a nice pitt . we fed the and watered the dog and my wife left a note for the owner. Yesterday the owner spotted my wife and ducked outta site . lol. Why have a dog to treat like that. Especially when we offered care . I know things can get messy when you loose your job , car , house and girlfriend but have a heart, man. The guys a real gomer too unfortunately . not to brite , slower than I with m.s.a. lol. I feel sorry for both of them.....needlesss to say we are bird dogging his place now. well , good luck.....
peta and the spa have been cought killing dogs and throughing them in dumsters.They are con artest to just get the dumb to send them money.FACTS THATs BEEN PROVEN IN COURT IT MADE THE NEWS HERE
it's ethical treatment in a lot of cases, i don't see the problem here. if a horse breaks his leg u shoot him, right.
You're a moron. I hope you don't own animals or have any kids
I got dogs and kids but all my kids are grown and in the work fild and don't have time to put there nose in others ass as I have raised them to leave others along that take care of there dogs.I have sold dogs that was trained for over 40,000.00 each, so I do know my dogs and take the best care of them,i also have 3 dogs that live with me inside of my home and I bet they mind beater then your children do and don't give a shit if you belive that or
i was talking with someone earlier today actually about how we treat our pets.
honestly my dog(s) eats whatever i eat, every meal, literally ive never bought dog food..not scraps but her own plate too.. my friends say its bad for em but fuck em. shes super healthy for being ~12yr old Doberman x German shep

they'll pet her and say she has the softest hair theyve ever felt , ask if i give fish oil etc...
nope, just head and shoulders shampoo..
you cant do that!
well i do..
LOL @ iPhone shoulder & tablet neck strain...ever see those dumbing down of America vids? here's one but there's a bunch of em...its sad.
Holy shit!! Them kids are so dumb only question I didn't know was who Brad Pitt married before Angelina Jolie. Lol, Go figure I only have a GED I guess it is true that it's harder to pass a GED than get a highschool diploma I just didn't believe it cause I didn't even study. Lol
i'm not a peta guy, trust me. some dogs are better off being killed, but peta doesn't kill all dogs. why not kill the fuggin wanna be gangsters who keep buying n breeding em with absolutely no respect for the dogs. most dog owners shouldn't have a fuckin goldfish!
I knew I posted something about this before so I did a search, this thread came up from May, 2012, so this has been going on for at least that long. The following clip came from the next spring in 2013;

And I just walked out back to see this same dog in his enclosure (about 9' x11') panting and pacing fervently and barking occasionally. 87°F right now, I've been hot as fuck all day myself..

So I'm wondering what you would advise I do about this now, and ultimately for the future because obviously these people have had this dog for a pretty long time, the only time I've ever seen it out of it's cell is on that clip I posted, and even then he was chained to the fence.. This is not how animals are supposed to be treated, this poor dog has gone through years of abuse and I can't stand it. Something has to be done, but what? If I call animal control and they take it, it will probably be put down, it's a huge pit bull that nobody would want and I don't expect it to be nice or very social with other animals from the conditions he's been living in for so long.

So help me out, what would you do in this situation?
Call Animal Control.
How does one cute anything off? How cute do you have to be to be able to cute anything off? Worse yet, I just pictured someone talking baby talk to a dick in an attempt to cute it off, and that's plain wrong.

Morning :)