getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

My hounds go with me everytime I go barking from them either unless I have them go ahead of me and check my patch....if anyone is there I'll know cause they will be screaming puppy's don't mess around =)
my trained bite work dog gos with me and no one can sneck around and not get dogs will give there life to save my ass
Oh hell yes! use to be like that around here but slowly ppl started creeping in....blah...people !
Same here. Yesterday when I was training the plants in my BP patch, I heard a 4 wheeler poking along, heading toward where my truck was parked. I got back to the truck just before they got there. It was some of my South Florida cousins out sight seeing in the woods. Luckily the blue berries were ready, so I had that as an explanation for why I was back there. It seems like there is one bunch or the other of my cousins up just about every other week. It makes planning on what patches to tend problematic.

{this is a clue as to how the BP patch got to be named the BP patch}

well our day started all fucked up !! my dog just had to tackle a skunk right outside the doggie door that is right in our bedroom so she got a face full of skunk spray and came running straight into bed dove under covers and then run to the couch and run her face between the cushins and then to spare bedroom and rolled all over the place basically totally got the stick on everything she was foaming at the mouth she got it so bad happened at 1230 am so ive been smoking doobies all night staring at the full moon and waiting for the house to air out lol. my saturday started out just great
well our day started all fucked up !! my dog just had to tackle a skunk right outside the doggie door that is right in our bedroom so she got a face full of skunk spray and came running straight into bed dove under covers and then run to the couch and run her face between the cushins and then to spare bedroom and rolled all over the place basically totally got the stick on everything she was foaming at the mouth she got it so bad happened at 1230 am so ive been smoking doobies all night staring at the full moon and waiting for the house to air out lol. my saturday started out just great
Shit dude, I almost just busted a gut laughing at your dogs (and you/wife's) expense. I can picture this, but I am glad I am way the fuck off somewhere else!!!!! Carry that shit outside and burn it!!!!
well our day started all fucked up !! my dog just had to tackle a skunk right outside the doggie door that is right in our bedroom so she got a face full of skunk spray and came running straight into bed dove under covers and then run to the couch and run her face between the cushins and then to spare bedroom and rolled all over the place basically totally got the stick on everything she was foaming at the mouth she got it so bad happened at 1230 am so ive been smoking doobies all night staring at the full moon and waiting for the house to air out lol. my saturday started out just great
Damn, that has got to be one of the worst possible ways to wake up! Hope u get it squared away quickly!