Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Gator pond must be a new ride at Disney. The lines must be a mile long ;)
All Disney attractions end in a gift shop.
I don't live anywhere near Florida, only been 3 times, and even I know to watch all waterways down there. Not just for gators, but snakes also. Seems like common knowledge for the region. Like watch for spiders and scorpions in the southwest, and I've never been there, how do I know that? At what point do natural present dangers become a private liability? I'd be willing to bet Disney had a contract with someone for gator control. The question should be, was there wanton neglect on Disney's part, or is it just a tragic event? Not everything should end in a lawsuit.
The cynical side of me almost thinks this was calculated.

Florida law and past jury decisions will be the guide for damages. Deadly gator attacks are very rare. There is no dispute Disney knew there were gators in the waters surrounding their facility. They had a special permit allowing them to remove (kill) gators without limit.

So, they can either post signs over the past couple of decades warning of gators. Or, they can roll the dice.

It's possible the potential loss of revenue having "killer alligator " signs all over, is way more than paying out in a wrongful death matter.

Just doesn't make sense otherwise.

I'm not sure what ya mean, 20$ worth of sheet metal signs and a couple 20$ an hour employees. Prevents this.
I tried gator down there, no good..chewy And nothing special..tasted like cheap calimari from a bar very far from the oceans.
I've had it a couple times. Like anything, if it's not cooked right it gets rubbery. Best one was some guy outside a gator park selling fried gator bites. I can't find it anywhere up north.
I don't understand why older people complain about younger people being rude..most adults I encounter doing errands lack the basic courtesy to hold a door so I can maneuver my stroller in easily...seriously it takes 2 seconds ..or the lady in her 50's buying a million cheap toys for what I imagine are grandchildren. .when I backed up to let the dad with a double stroller pass u came up behind me..stood next to me and gave us both dirty looks...hello ur cart is just as big..yet I backed up again to let ur rude impatient ass pass..me and dad both gave her stink eye and laughed. ..icing was the lady on her cell at the cash ..who walked back into my stroller almost falling on my 3 month old daughter. ...she next stopped at the exit door to finish her convo..as I say excuse me she turns and smacks my arm with her giant purse and keeps on blabbing ...doesn't apologize or move...I lost my cool and literally pushed her aside with my stroller. .ninja kicked the door open and got the fuck out before I went post pardom on her ass...Bahaha omg I need a bong lol