EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Oh man, you buy that shit? Lol
Trump won't have the backing to do anything he wants. He's an outsider.
Hillary Clinton is the definition of insider.
She has been "acting" like she cares about the middle class, but she could give a shit.
Huffpo is not reliable when it comes to unbiased reporting on Clinton.
Do you really think she is for the people?
If so, why? Please, give us examples of her being a champion for the poor.
I would compile a list, but everything I would say is already in this thread.
How do you explain away that vid of her lying for 13 minutes? Flippity floppity, that bitch is is not trustworthy.
Don't forget her experience starting regime change wars!
At this point it doesn't really matter what I think about her. She is going to win. I mean, you talk about lying, flip flopping, etc. and how detrimental that will be for us and in the same breath you say you would gladly give the keys to the country to a racist, in-experienced, shit-for-brains cunt like Trump. It just feels disingenuous, man.


Well-Known Member
With hillary, it's more of the same old bullshit and lies. Maybe if trump gets elected, people will actually rise up and take this country back. That would be great.
Better than a bitter old hag who thinks she is next in line to be crowned.
"dude, i couldn't find any pot"

"that's fine, i'll take some crack instead. buy some crack"


Well-Known Member
children's health insurance program.
Designed for people who make too much money to qualify for medicaid, but can't afford to buy policies. Sounds like single payer would eliminate all that bullshit.
In 1993, Hillary Clinton cost taxpayers 145 million dollars on hillarycare. She had a single payer option, but quickly flip flopped to soothe her and Bill's backers.
A waste of 145 mil, as first lady.
Now she supported the tpp (until Bernie gained steam), opposes single payer (unless she flipped on that too), and has played a major role in brutal conflicts that are power plays.
Dude, this bitch is as bad as Skeletor!


Well-Known Member
The biggest problems in this country are money in politics and our foreign policy..Hillary will only fuel that fire, I doubt Trump could be worse than Clinton..both are huge pieces of shit and I'll never vote for either.