Dr.Chronic He Turned Scam


Well-Known Member
my seeds wouldnt germinate i dont know whether to blame sativa seedbank or dr chronic because im pretty sure it isnt that hard

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
I used Doc once. I wasn't impressed in quality of seed nor the stealth. Then Subcool told me about how Doc treated Subcools customers and I knew then I was done with him. This is really sad that doc or his company has turned on the US customers...if this report is indeed true.

I use marijuana-seeds.nl and have had great success with their genetics...great germ % (100%)...stealth delivery and very good ship times.


Well-Known Member
i got my order last week and it took 4days to ship over the ocean,i had 100% germination rate,if u didnt get ur order,u didnt read that large orders are shipped in small orders and can take alittle time,just bc the seeds came to that price doesnt mean they dont charge for tax.

did u think that they mightve got compescated?

try not dissin the bank bc ur on ur rag,read the statement that ur the one who takes the risk of buying the seeds,so :finger:


Well-Known Member
thats y u order small,and no worries,large orders tend to get snagged more often than not.customs doesnt really care about small orders,there just tryin to fight the "war" on drugs,ther just doin ther job so hahahahah


Well-Known Member
i got my order last week and it took 4days to ship over the ocean,i had 100% germination rate,if u didnt get ur order,u didnt read that large orders are shipped in small orders and can take alittle time,just bc the seeds came to that price doesnt mean they dont charge for tax.

did u think that they mightve got compescated?

try not dissin the bank bc ur on ur rag,read the statement that ur the one who takes the risk of buying the seeds,so :finger:
I didn't know 20 seeds was a large order!?
Go back to school u fucking joke!
Did ur mom teach u how to spell like that.
What the fuck is compenscated?
U have to be the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen around here! so:finger:u, and :finger: ur mom for bringing u into the world.


Well-Known Member
Did ur mom teach u how to spell like that.
Does anyone else see the irony in that sentence or am I the only adult left on the planet?

Back to the topic at hand. You're always going to have the people that are rightly pissed off because their seeds were "lost" in the mail but there seem to be a lot of complaints about Dr. Chronic lately. Since this is a new development saying you bought seeds a year ago and it was great isn't really germane to the discussion.

I don't know if it's a limited problem but it's enough to stop me from ordering from them and I only buy a pack or two at a time.


Active Member
Fuck that! If your in the US and someone says 7-28 days delivery with no trackin number fuck that shit fuck that. Go to Attitude and hook that shit up son! It use to be Highgrade-seeds for life but now its Attitude!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE TRACKING NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS A MUST FOR THE U S OF A!!!!!!! ITS A MUST!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, also if I were Attitude I'd be on all the boards posting about how the other places suck and then slyly mention Attitude and how they have tracking numbers so you have to be careful of dis-information too.


Well-Known Member
wow this is getting heated.

i order on everyonedoesit.com never hear anyone mention this site but its so good. get loads of freebees if u order often aswell... not sure if they ship to US but worth checking it out.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else see the irony in that sentence or am I the only adult left on the planet?
Yeah isn't that something. I amaze myself sometimes...
I did have that one coming... but shortening spelling is one thing, when people start adding letters and replacing ones that shouldn't be there, that is a whole different story. I mean come on, compenscated?

I completely agree with what u say! Even when u make fun of me
I used to be a HUGE fan of the doc! I wrote a thread telling everyone to go there because I was so impressed with the shipping times, and communication. Come to find out the seeds he gave me were shit.
I honestly think he had a bunch of seeds go bad and is in over his head.
Either that or he's on the needle, or glass dick
All I hear lately is bad seeds and seeds not showing.
I'm just trying to spread the word, to help u guys out.
If u want to bash me and say how u always get seeds from him go ahead.
When they don't show next time, or maybe the time after that u will understand how I feel.


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds incredible but its true. I deposit the money in my moms bank account and it shows up in her name and eery time shes given them to me I think how in the hell am I getting these seeds so damn fast? And then the third one that was here in 3!? Im going on a seed splurge and see if I have the same luck. Why would I be getting my seeds that fast?
MOM'S RIPPING YOU OFF DUDE !!!! She has a bag of "sack seed" and she has you fooled into thinking she is getting the seeds from DR.Chronic.
HA HA HA , way to go MOM.


Well-Known Member
Yeah isn't that something. I amaze myself sometimes...
I did have that one coming... but shortening spelling is one thing, when people start adding letters and replacing ones that shouldn't be there, that is a whole different story. I mean come on, compenscated?
I agree with you, I just feel the same about text-chat-speak as you do about misspellings. If Baby Jesus (TM) wanted us to spell "you are" like "ur" then he'd have spelled it that way in the Bible. Thank God he didn't have a mobile...

And you've never heard of "compenscated?" Past tense of "compenscate" from the Latin "compus scatus" meaning "to misspell words horribly."



Well-Known Member
Call the cc company and say you noticed a irregular purchase or that you ordered something that you didn't receive.

lol you could really screw any legit seed bank up by calling the CC company up and saying "Amsterdam, I was never in Amsterdam, thats fraud!"


Well-Known Member
lol you could really screw any legit seed bank up by calling the CC company up and saying "Amsterdam, I was never in Amsterdam, thats fraud!"
If i felt i was gettin fucked over id do that shit.
I aint gonna go over there and steal him, so the best thing is to play his ass like he did me.

white widower

Active Member
I was going to post in the original thread I posted in about the doc but I can't find it. Let me start with you all have a legit gripe with him and so did I but after some time I got the answer I was looking for (my seeds). I have been ordering from the doc 4 years now an average of 3-4 times a year and never had a problem 3-4 days shipping. Orders split came within 2 days of each other; until this last order and that will be the last for a while from him until he gets his shit together again. After 30 days and a phone call and 3 emails he rectified him self with the last half of my order in 7 days posted 8-28 recieved 9-4.


Well-Known Member
Orderd, got them in 6 days USA.

Seeds are small, germating in progress. Ill update with how many germd.

Only complaints are the seeds are small, they look viable, not green or white.