I ordered from herbies and they sent hemp seeds


Well-Known Member
I will update with pics I promise give me time and i will also mail the breeders with this info maybe I'll keep one and cover it up to prove my point . in the meantime I suggest not purchasing from them guys and good luck I wish you all good luck.
How do you know you got hemp?

What strain and breeder?


Well-Known Member
Well woke up with an email I can expect to be fully refunded which isn't what I wanted I wanted the collectables I ordered I've learned my lesson I won't be orderering online again I will walk over to my local dispensaries next time idk what happened but it wasn't on my end .good luck guys and be safe .
Your gonna walk to a dispensary?? Scrambling for clones???? Gimme a break man stop...


Well-Known Member
hemp is on the rite.LOL ky.
I didn't want you to answer.

I can post other pics of hemp.

Hemp looks just like mj. Its the same as tropical Sativa's with no THC.

What makes hemp tall like that is crowding it. Planting it close together. It stretches for light.

Thats how everyone knows he is either a liar or doesn't k ow what he is doing and the plants stretched.


Well-Known Member
I'll keep you guys updated but I am basing it on the fact they are scraggly looking and sparse like a hemp plant I'm just glad I figured it out early I'm on my phone so sending a pic I'd have load to comp then onto your site with shitty data on my phone but i will show you guys some pics in the next 2 weeks when i go to kill them all and start over with a couple plants my friends are trying to hunt down as we speak I really wanted to try the breeds I ordered believe me .
Do your plants look like this?
If so, its not hemp. You just dont know how to grow.


Well-Known Member
You would rat on people?o_O
haha that certainly didn't come out right, but I had one of those loud jolly laughs off that....the answer is no for the record....but is it ratting if you happen to notice somebody wearing a wire (because its 1970 tech still) and you tell everyone around the immediate area? "Hey! He's wearing a wire!"


Well-Known Member
haha that certainly didn't come out right, but I had one of those loud jolly laughs off that....the answer is no for the record....but is it ratting if you happen to notice somebody wearing a wire (because its 1970 tech still) and you tell everyone around the immediate area? "Hey! He's wearing a wire!"
I guess not the site part but you said you used to call on people that would ride and smoke.

I get it. Just you were anti pot and over exaggerated a bit.

I hope. I hate cops.

There is no situation that calling the cops will make better.