Rooftop SE Asia

I know one day he will look back with a lot of regret.Being a parent is IMO the hardest thing a person can do.
My eldest son got involved with a band that didnt do any music.Most of them were older guys.
One of them died of a heroin overdose recently.
Sounds like your son is out of control.I was gonna suggest he should do some meditation to improve his self-esteem.

Failing that.Do it yourself.I built up my emotional defences with some qigong.
Now when the shit hits the fan.I can deal with it better.I cant see the point in worrying about stuff.

Take Care Dude.
cheers bro well said...
I don't look for symapathy no more as its been going on for the best part of two years and a few great growers on the outdoor thread know its been going on
its like you said dealing with it better now..thats the key I guess.
cheers for your kind words man
No worries.i used to try to be positive and offer encouragement for people giving up booze.however the trolling
really got on my tits.
i try to be irreverant fave is to make posts which have nothing to do with the thread.

Well i have been quite furious lately.My eardrums are damaged due to my sons guitar amp.
To make matters worse.I dont think he even believed me.It was quite an insult.
Usually im a nice person.Lately i have been quite vindictive and harsh.
My ears were hurting so bad yesterday.
So today i went to the doctors.No appointments for two weeks.
Then ,i went to the hospital.the A and E department was chocca with fat numptys.
i decided i couldnt face the wait.
i spent the morning trying to see a doctor.Now i feel dispondant ,pissed off.etc etc etc.

I am a Pariah.
BTW.Im crap at sympathy.Practical advise based on personal experience,for what its worth.Not always well
received .plus some :confused: as and when.
I'm another of the phone-less few. When I'm in the garden and some one wants to bother me, they have to drive to the house and do it in person.
Phone just rang and this lady asking me if I wanna go work in Saudi for 300 dollars a day; Fucking get fucked I almost said. 75k a year to go spend 6 weeks on 3 off in the desert. Get fucking fucked the price of oil is down
The Phone-less Few.It has a good ring to it.

What job are you doing.Whats doing in Saudi.
I view of my ongoing family problems-I need to get away.maybe forever.
The straw has broke the Camels back.
Phone just rang and this lady asking me if I wanna go work in Saudi for 300 dollars a day; Fucking get fucked I almost said. 75k a year to go spend 6 weeks on 3 off in the desert. Get fucking fucked the price of oil is down
300 a day to be in a authority like position ..fuck lol I was getting 580 aussie dollars a day to just be a leg soldier
That job is well site coordinator work for oil and gas well sites in saudi.
Cheers.Sounds like a pita job for sure.Have you worked in saudi B4.
Years ago i heard that they had extra security at UK airports for inbound flights from Saudi .
The security was to stop Brits from punching Arabians.It seems that Brits working in SA were keen to
assault the first Arabian they could without fear of a flogging.>:(.
I havent worked in Saudi before but around the region. Back in my whiskey drinking days I worked in India and I was a hot head. I never hit anyone, but I certainly didnt make our contacts job easy when I was in country. I was a screaming asshole. Have 1 good Saudi friend and definitely know a few people that work there, but at least in the oil and gas business Saudi's are lazy, they are above any sort of manual work (or they think they are).